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And I'm back...or am I?

Hi all, been an odd few days, I come to you with an artwork I drew several weeks ago but held off on posting, not through perfectionism or coinciding with some relevant date, but because I messed up. A few weeks ago I held a Doctor Who poll, and Liz Shaw and Sarah Jane won, and I've not finished their pics. But here I drew Bill, who was in that poll, and didn't win, at my own volition.

I tried to get the others done but kept on getting distracted. So realising it's been a few days, more than I'd have liked to go without posting, I have this. How very...against character of her. It is the Emporium though. Things happen. 

Regular, TARDIS interior, and a purple version. Enjoy.




As much as I am looking forward to Liz and Sj I love this Bill set, she's fantastic 😊

Agitated Spoon

Given her own recent IG postings, this is very, very appreciated

Alun Lewis

Hmmm...this is an amazing piece of artwork, Sass, but...as a Whovian, the idea of Bill (a lesbian) seemingly sucking off the Twelfth Doctor (who was loyal to River Song) sits weirdly. Really not in character, but hey...The Emporium, right?