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The Clone Wars was the thing that really made me a SW fan, back when it debuted in 2008. It's at that time I discovered the work of Shabby Blue and MirAvi, and probably what really inspired me to start drawing this kind of thing. The style of TCW long impressed me, and eluded me as something I could draw, but persistence, experimentation, it got me there.

Anyway I'm seeing if a picture is worth a thousand words but also I'm going to give a little personal update and for next month too so stick with it lol.

Idea is from a friend, and as I said, TCW being special to me, especially the early seasons, and Ahsoka sticking out as a character I liked from the beginning, I just had to. And sure, some might say Ahsoka is overdone, that there's others I could draw, and sure I'll get to them, once I get her out of my system. Colour palette taken from my Ahsoka animation a few months back, clothes on and off, blue I chose from a complimentary colour picker, turns out it matches the colour of her Zygerrian outfit in those infamous episodes. Clothes on version so I could post share it around more, and clothes off for fun. Maybe there's something else I can draw Ahsoka doing?

Personally, I'm shocked September is nearly done, I barely feel like I've got through all the outstanding commissions, as there's still two more to come. Requests and stuff will happen but again I'll just find a way to streamline them. I've felt a little like I've let you all down with the lack of stuff I promised these last few weeks, but I hope to get it all done soon. Lastly, I got my jab, got a bit sick yesterday and I don't know if it was from that, or something else entirely, but either way I'm still recovering but look to have some free days soon for art, and writing, to come through soon.



Blake Hornsby

Isn't she a bit young....


It’s a debate that’s waged since the character was introduced. Arguments it’s different ageing for aliens, or that they’re aged up to 18. The latter argument is harder to use now the character has been shown older in the canon, and doesn’t look like that. But in the words of the great Basil Exposition, I suggest you don’t worry about this sort of thing, and just enjoy yourself.


When your Padawan first sees a dick pic from you.




HotSoka! <3 Gorgeous work! <3