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Time to meet them properly.

For the last few months I've been preparing a little story, a series for these OCs to go on, and I reckon it's just about ready to get started. This piece was a weird one, not entirely happy with the colouring so I might come back to it. Anyway, the story...

What is that graffiti? That's some graffiti I saw one time, it just makes me laugh every time I think about it. Perhaps it's inspiration for the setting of this tale.

Alison the model wants to be famous. She's tried many things; modelling, acting, singing, influencing, the hippie lifestyle. Now she's got an OF account, and nothing's gonna stop her getting what she wants. Except the algorithm.

Trish is looking to make something of herself in this new city, a long way from home. House sharing with Alison she too has fingers in many pies. Whether she be dancing and acting, taking graphic design and coding work, or trying her photography, Trish lives a busy life. Does she have room to pursue romance?

Kodi is new in town, trying to adjust to the relative quietness compared to the bustling life in the States. With a relationship on the rocks and a past nipping at her heels, can she make something new for herself here? 




Can't wait to see what adventures these 3 ladies get upto


Love this pic