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In the homestretch now, one page to finish, two more to draw, a few bonus sketches and it will be ready to go live. Sorry for the lack of posts, final few requests from the poll coming later or maybe tomorrow after university.

As for the cover, suggestions welcome to make changes for the final one, colour wise it’s a bit tricky to figure out. First one is the most recent, others are older ones before final changes were made, but just showing off different colour scheme possibilities.




I like the third one best. It’s colours are really evocative of the original Solo poster


Gorgeous work! <3 All 4 looks beautiful.


Love the abundance of negative space in the overall image, the final version is my favourite, as well as having the most legible text of the four <3


looks great just a suggestion i would move the tattoo over to the right a inche hmm but it could just be the hair thats messing with me lol it's all good anyway great job