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Firstly, thank you for sticking with me through the long, drawn out production of The Reunion comic, and thank you too to USB Type 3 Enthusiast here and on Discord who assisted in animating the comic’s sequences, going all the way back to October last year. Looking at the comic now it’s rather minimal and could have been done sooner, but it’s done and I don’t think I’d change how it did come about.

I will be changing my production schedule moving forward as I finally get on to my long awaited Qi’ra project, I think I started this back in May of 2018 when Solo came out and hoped to have it done before it was released on DVD, but...oops. The medium has changed, it’s no longer a comic but rather it’s a 14 or so page story book, with a front and back cover, and additional pinups, sketches, and potentially, animations included. I’m going to be working on that for the next few weeks drawing all these illustrations, and releasing updates here as the sketches, the lines, and the colours are done, in sequential order. Once it’s all done I’ll release it publicly, but I’m aiming to have it finished by August. 

I won’t be taking requests or commissions for the next weeks as I get stuck into these pages, unless I change my mind, I’ll announce if I do.

Also thinking there might be a Rey, Finn comic sequel for future, perhaps as a stretch goal on here for the future. We shall see.