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So while I get back into the swing of things and wind down The Reunion, I finally wanted to figure out what I was going to do with the long awaited Qi’ra story. Talking with a few people, and looking at how damn long it’s taken me to do each comic, I decided the story might work better as a written story with accompanying art rather than a comic, as some things like the White Worm slaughter might not translate perfectly. I think I could have pulled it off but damn, a comic is so much work, it takes so long, and it was a larger project than the initial 10 pages I projected it to be.

So here is a mock-up of on of the pages, the image from the film acting as a placeholder for the final drawing. Also since this story will require me to draw Maul, I decided to give him a sketch for the first time in years, and so here we have a totally SFW drawing of Maul, angry as ever.




Will this be the same story you initially published on here in prose?


I can freaking wait to see Qi'ra with Maul in action! <3