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On the off chance more questions come through.

What got you started in making rule34 art?
Stumbled upon the art of Miravi and Shabby Blue and others, looked like fun, gave it a go. It was actually another artist called Rainbow-Flyer who kickstarted me drawing as early stuff was TMNT based.    

Which artwork of yours is your most favorite?
The Rey Miravi tribute.

Has making this artwork ever made you...far too aroused?
Constantly, like Narcissus I cannot drag myself away from this image...but nah.

How long have you been an artist?
Since late 2013 with this, I used to draw when I was a kid and though high school, then I stopped, put it aside for 5 years, then picked it up again, and it's been really fun since. Been studying it too the last few years which has helped improve it.

What made you have an interest in 80s horror?
Freddy and Jason always seemed really cool and mysterious as a kid, sort of like the superheroes of their genre, like you were cool for knowing who they were. Maybe it was all the attractive ladies too that should have made me realise something about myself, I missed out on Xena and Scully which everyone else seemed to have, but I had Nancy Thompson and Laurie Strode. A resurgence in horror popularity and my friends expressing their interest in the genre made me revisit and rediscover it.

Do you ever worry real life folks you draw will come across your art?
All the time. But I draw characters at the end of the day, that just happen to look like the actors who portray them, not the people themselves, if only I didn't feel the need to go so true to life. I'm fine with it though, and there's always someone out there drawing something "worse"

What’s your favorite thing to draw/favorite requests to get?
Something I'm familiar with is always good, Jenna Coleman, Daisy Ridley related, now I can sort of draw them from memory.

What sort of thing do people request that you wish they wouldn't?
Nothing really comes to mind, but anime or manga is something I've never been able to get a hang of, nor stylised cartoons, so I could never do those justice.

What body part do you find is the hardest to draw?
Hands are naturally pretty hard even when they look normal, are they too normal, should they be sleeker? Penis heads can be difficult to get the right angle and shape, and also taking into account the shape and size of ribcages.

What body part do you have the most fun drawing?
Faces are good.

Can food taste like a color?
Possibly, not for me though.

Is there anything we, as your patrons, can do to help with your art?
Muneh, or Dutch and I are gonna have to go rob another bank. But seriously, any support is appreciated. Providing references for requests with difficult or specific poses is a good help too.d

Are you currently on fire?

What is the best smell in the world?
I haven't smelled it yet.

What kind of porn do you find yourself enjoying that you never thought you would enjoy?
Sean Bean's filmography.  50% of what I draw

Are there any kinks that you would like to incorporate into your art?
Probably some actual sex, since it's rather lacking outside the comics. There are certain things I've touched on in requests or sketches for myself, but maybe I'd like to do some rendered pics of futa, bondage, domination, actual interesting topics, and the monster and other various creature stuff, without just being known as the person who does that stuff.

Are there ever moments where you sit back and think.. "I'm making porn for fucking creepy perverted weirdos." Do you ever regret any of it?
Whenever people IRL ask what I do. But no I don't think that. It's not harming anyone or at least it's not intending to and there's no point shaming anyone with it. So maybe I should post the stuff I mentioned above.

Do you see yourself stopping making this stuff anytime soon, or do you still feel very inspired to make more art?
I hope to do it as long as I can, and outlast the old masters.

Favorite Doctor, Companion, or TARDIS team?
Twelfth, Clara, Bill and Nardole or Martha and Jack

Do you have a favorite Doctor Who Showrunner?
I have fond memories of RTD and Clara era Moffat

Favorite MCU movie?
Thor Ragnarok and whatever gives my favourite ladies to draw. So maybe Ant-Man and the Wasp for Wasp and Ghost.

What is your ultimate goal as an artist? I'm not  sure at the end of the day, maybe to produce it to a high and consistent quality, and I'm getting there.

What's your Mother's maiden name?

What was the name of your first pet?
Richard Nixon

What was the name of the city where you were born?
Coruscant, the whole planet is one big city

What are the last 3 digits on the back of your credit card?
6, 66, the number of the beast...



> maybe I'd like to do some rendered pics of futa, bondage, domination, actual interesting topics, and the monster and other various creature stuff, without just being known as the person who does that stuff. I don't think you'll ever be stereotyped like that because you do a wide variety of things. I think the only thing you'd ever be 'stereotyped' about is that you draw pubic hair when most modern erotic artists do not. > Faces are good. Well, you do a really good job with them :)


no mention of Hex or Emilia Hmm i dont know lol