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 I'm working on something in the lead up to Rise of Skywalker. This comic directly follows The Last Jedi, and takes place in an AU where my comic The Trade happened. This here is the first few pages of the comic in narrative form.

Let me know what you think :)

Fleeing Crait, the Resistance has new hope in finally taking down the First Order. On the journey to the rendezvous with their allies, new friends have time to connect….

The Millennium Falcon hurtles through hyperspace, Chewbacca in the pilot’s seat. “Should be nine hours until we arrive,” Poe tells Leia, brushing porgs away from the controls.

In the living quarters, Rose lays unconscious in the bunk. Finn watches her, stony faced, as Rey watches Finn. “Who is she?” she asks.

“Rose, a friend,” Finn answers, touching his hand to his lips, “I only met her a little while ago, but she saved me down there,” he looked to Rey.

“I’ll have to thank her,” she says, before turning to leave. 

“Rey,” Finn followed after her in to the corridor. “What happened? Where did you go?”
“I went to find Luke Skywalker.”
“The Jedi knight? Did you?”
“I did,” she nodded, “he was…something.”
“So you’re like a Jedi now?” Finn asked.

“Yeah, I think I am,” she smiled, looking into his eyes. Finn smiled back, he felt her hand tracing up his arm to his shoulder. They were close, they could feel one another’s breath on them, and before they knew it, they were in one another’s arms again, holding each other tight. Finn’s face buried into Rey’s neck, his lips pressed into it. Their hearts raced as Rey’s hand moved up his back to his head, turning him to face her. Their noses touched, then their lips, the sounds of the ship drowned out around them as they both breathed heavily. They parted, both grinning, before going in again, Rey softly moaning as their hands caressed one another.

“Rey,” he breathed, as she giggled. Nothing else mattered to them in that moment, they felt as though they could just melt into one another, but metal footsteps down the hall snapped them back to reality.

“Oh!” exclaimed the golden protocol droid, “Sir, General Organa wishes to speak with Miss Rey.”

“Miss Rey?” Finn frowned at Threepio, as Rey let him go and strode off down the corridor. Artoo let out a grumbled beep.

“Don’t take that tone with me, I wasn’t to know they’d be doing it!” Threepio said to his companion, as Finn leaned back against the wall, his fingers held to his lips once more.



Sounds great so far! Always rely on C-Threepio being a cockblocker! 😂