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I am so out of the loop with hot trending topics. Dark Phoenix came out, and I guess years ago I was drawing Sophie Turner's Jean Grey so I should do so again? But now I'm in the middle of planning a huge comic based off a character no one remembers from a film no one saw, so my question to all of you is this; what should I draw now? What's big, trending, happening? Something popular you want to see drawn that I might not have considered? Let me know and I will see what I can do.



Guessing the comic you are mentioning is the Qi’ra one. Looking forwards to that one :)


Given the time taken to pull these larger projects off with IX coming in December there couldn't be a better time to start planning out SW content for when the hype is at its highest.


(totally not biased by the fact that you know how to get Daisy's likeness on point)


Topically there’s the MCU which will almost certainly keep being topical for years as they continue to make movies. Primarily Endgame, Homecoming and Captain Marvel seem to be the three biggest ones right now simply due to how recent they were, although Homecoming is upcoming and not recent but eh, you get my drift. Game of Thrones just had its major finale so there’s still some stuff coming out with that. I’m not up to date on television so can’t really comment much elsewhere with regards to what is topical there. The finale to the “Skywalker Saga” will also be coming out soon as well so I expect a major buzz to start coming up around that to and the new Star Wars Jedi game has characters in it from Rogue One so expect that to enter the mainstream culture again as a result. What I’m saying is that regardless of what you draw, we are gonna love it. Sorry for the ramble. Just listing it off my head :)


Haven’t seen any Naomi Scott’s Princess Jasmine from Aladdin yet, so that would be very interesting to see.


Also would like to see Gal Gadot’s new costume from WW84 flashing her bits to us 👌


Banjo Kazooie. All jokes aside, I think the Qi'Ra comic would still be fun. Or maybe she can meet a certain Impossible Girl and her diner


Like I said in Discord, the new Pokemon games are getting a lot of hype so if there are any characters from that franchise that you like, we'd love art of them.