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Some of these questions I got from other sites too.

Why is it called The Trade?

Because Rey and Derren were essentially trading goods and services. Food, drink, scavenger hunting, mechanical repairs, and sex.

Where did the idea come from?

I used to have a friend who was crazy about Daisy Ridley so I started planning the comic. They fell out of contact but I continued it because of how much time I spent planning it.

Why does it look rotoscoped?

I think it’s just the style I chose? I knew going for soft shading would take forever and I didn’t have the patience to do it, so the hard and blocky shading was the best choice.

Why does the style change in places?

I worked on the comic on and off for nearly a year and the style changed either for better or worse in places, and I studied art and got a little better from it.

Did you trace?

Only a few frames, like the AT-AT on page 4 and page 11. I wasn’t so good at drawing technical stuff back then. The rest of the comic was freehand, I don’t trace bodies or faces (which is why this took so long) but the Star Destroyer on page 15 was from a shot in the film, and the speeder also on that page was a 3D model a friend made.

Why is the story like that/why is there a story/why so much plot?

I just wanted to write something that felt like it could happen to Rey in the universe. So some fanficcy experience in the past helped. Those fan fics are all gone, btw.

Why does your self insert suffer from premature ejaculation?

Because Rey is hot. And Derren isn’t a self insert lol.

Who is Derren Antilles? Is he supposed to be Wedge’s son or something?

No, he’s not. I remember reading many years ago on Wookieepedia that Antilles was a common name in the Star Wars universe to try and cover some continuity error. That’s probably not the case any more with the new Disney canon, but that’s why I named him Antilles.

Derren looks familiar/who’s face does Derren have?

Derren I based on Ben Barnes from Dorian Gray, Narnia, The Punisher and Westworld.

What does the alien language say on page 20 and 22?

The alien says “I thought she was gay,” and the note on page 22 says “Wear this tonight, D.”

Will there be a follow up or sequel?

For Rey, there could be something for post The Last Jedi I’m cooking up. But there is a Star Wars comic coming focused on Qi’ra from Solo.

What will that be about?

It’ll be about Qi’ra time joining the Crimson Dawn from when she’s captured at the beginning of the film, and the three years until she meets Han again later in the film.

When is that coming out?

Soon, but there’s other stuff coming first. It might start in December.



Good questions and even better answers. This was a fun read. Gonna miss The Trade!