Blonde Black Widow (Patreon)
2018-02-18 03:29:07
2020-05-25 15:05:25
From the upcoming Infinity War for Hugh Burke. Quickie, fun, am returning to this character soon. Fact I think turned out great, I'm surprised with it.
Now I made a post yesterday about what might be happening with future requests and I want your opinions on it rather than just going ahead and making a decision without consulting you all, my customers essentially. Long story short I have been burnt out since Christmas and not as productive as I want, these requests are fun but they're labour intensive at times (each one I draw in about an hour or less) and if in a few months time I take away monthly requests, what do you want to see instead? Could be bi-monthly requests, could instead be a lottery where a winner is randomly chosen and drawn to a high quality, or could be something else all together, let me know.