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Tomorrow there's going to be a small but steady posting of this month's requests, followed by a bit of a break for a few days. I know I have been on one, seemingly, this last week, an unannounced break, but I'm having to help some friends on a stage show they're putting together. Following that I'll be going into production with The Trade again (previews and WIPs will continue posting here when they're ready) but yeah I really need to focus on these other work and life things before I can get back to this. It might be a week, it might be slightly less or more, but it won't be weeks and weeks. As a bonus, when I do come back, there will be a fair number of new pages and artworks with it, but yeah just got to divert my efforts elsewhere until that production is over. I will be popping in and still online at times, just not drawing for a few days.


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