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Everyone see the trailer for The New Mutants? Looks interesting, I hope it's not all confined to the mental hospital. While I have known about Maisie Williams' casting as Wolfsbane for a while now, seeing her in the trailer made me get to it before the other projects, considering how many times I've drawn her in the past, and actually considering how many times I've drawn young mutant ladies, I just had to do this.

This picture was actually super quick and easy to do, despite me posting the progress video of the initial sketch the day before posting, I just got held up and wasn't able to sit and colour the rest. But now it is done.

Tomorrow begins the posting of The Trade. Who's excited? Posting of that shall be fairly regularly, one page a day for most of this week's days, but it will become a bit more staggered following that, considering the rewrites, the redraws and how long that's all taking to do.



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