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Managed to get 2 Cteno tests out today. This pattern takes a LOT of time to sew, it has 10000 darts all over it. Definitely not perfect but very happy with the initial tests. I forsee many more over the next week. 

Playing around with the shape for her butt. Lots of small tweaks in scale and position. Bit hard since I don't have perfect generic/standing/profile pics of her, but I will keep working until I am happy. 

Ignore her lil toes for now haha. I resized them for the second ver but they ended up a bit funky. 

Any tips on anatomy would be appreciated ^_^. Particularly if you know Cteno well. 




Could you maybe request if slugbox could wip ya up a side view sketch? Or see if he has one stashed away. Looking good so far though!


<a href="http://slugbox.deviantart.com/art/RainbowTentacle-Studio-Staff-343224006" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://slugbox.deviantart.com/art/RainbowTentacle-Studio-Staff-343224006</a> close to side view


<a href="http://slugbox.deviantart.com/art/Ctenophorae-Visual-Reference-342589632" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://slugbox.deviantart.com/art/Ctenophorae-Visual-Reference-342589632</a> one of her standing so you can see her posture.