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If you haven't already, maybe something about how to make an embroidery file for appliqué that matches up with your pattern piece? I know that's been a big problem/question for me personally!


Perhaps about patterning humanoid/anthro plush?


This is super specific but it's been on my mind recently. Hats for plushies? Like attached, unattached, how to make the shapes, how to make them stiff, how to attach brims, etfc. If that's too specific, clothes for plushies would be interesting. I also like the above poster's idea of an anthropomorphic plus. I don't have an embroidery machine so anything specific to machine embroidery will be lost on me.


Maybe you covered it and I missed it, but a tutorial on dragon claws where the digits are machine sewn rather than hand stitched on separately. A video on anthro patterning would be awesome too.


The method I used in my 'how to pattern machine sewn hips' can be applied to combining shapes like dragon digits :)


I'm not particularly good at hats haha. I usually just look up patterns online and fudge my way through it. Clothing is a very complicated thing to pattern too, not sure if I could condense it into a video.


I am a little Bit late But i hope its okay?


I would love your thoughts about copyright! You make so many plushies of copyrighted things and I would love to commission something But i am too afraid because of copyright. Selling fanart is a Problem i thought? Sry for the Bad english.


To be honest it's a tricky issue. Most of the time if you are not mass producing things, companies wont worry about it. There are some exceptions (like disney). My work has been reposted by several official companies so they seem to have no issue with it (they certainly know about my stuff)