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Hey guys, I didn't think so many people would reply to my last post haha. Rather than counting 100+ votes by myself just going to do a quick poll. Do you want design.. 

(see last post for pics)


Rocket Punk

I'd say, maybe have the horned goat, but also give it the blep from the cutesy goat? I think it'd look like a really fun plushie


Yes seconded!


The horned goat has so much potential!


I love the horned goat but with maybe the hooves from the cutest goat


I really prefer the cutesy goat by far


I'm very much on board with the suggestions of blep and hooves from cutesy goat on the horned bb. Those are the elements that had me waffling, but horned is just more goaty.


I agree that I really liked the hooves from the bleep goat!


i like the hooves on the horned goat. i love the blep on the cutesy goat.

Kymbirly Weber

I really like both designs so either is a winner in my book x)