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Hey guys, just wanted to make a quick post. 

I've noticed a lot of people are unhappy with the recent trend of 'cartoony' style plush and wanted to clear things up. 

Some of you may know, but I'm collaborating with an artist I adore for a series (6) plush designs. We have done 3 so far, with the goat being the 4th. 

I am seeing a lot of calls for realism, but the thing is, the artist I am working with excels at/exclusively does cartoony designs. 

Because of this, the goat, and the following 2 designs will be in the cartoony style. I cannot change this or ask the artist to work in a style they do not do. 

Once the collaboration is complete I will offer more realistic options. 

The funny thing is, realistic creatures perform notoriously poorly for me compared to cute/cartoony plush. They also always do poorly on the polls. If you want to see more realism stuff please vote for it when you can. I'll try to throw more options in there that would suit that style. I may opt for only doing single design collaborations to keep things constantly different/changing in style, or will do more designs myself. 

In the mean time I hope you can still enjoy this series of plush. I am over the moon to work with this artist as I've admired them for a long time. Thanks for your ongoing support



I just wanted to say I've LOVED the cute cartoony plush lately! I'm excited for some more realistic options for sure, but these last few especially have been so versatile for commissions.


I love the chibi / tonny style! The eyes are so full of character and personally I believe it opens up more ways to add to the plush vs realistic which has to be like the living creature 🥰


I love the cartoony plushes! Your realistic ones are great but it feels like with the cartoony ones there’s more design choices to make with it. If it’s a realistic hyena I feel like it needs to be browns and blacks where as with a cartoony cat it feels more accepting of having other colors applied to it. 🧡 Either way I love your patters

James McBride

From what I've seen (being new) I absolutely love your cartoony designs! Definitely made me jump in <3


I personally love the cartoons style and would like more of them, not less!!!!


I love cartoony too 🖤


Maybe you should do a poll on what people prefer in general - considering the amount of patreons you have vs the amount of people in the comments, anything you read in them (including this post of course =D) could be just a vocal minority. I personally enjoy both styles but can see how the cartoony style might be more appealing to a broader audience as they are generally easier to make with plumper bodies/ eaaier proportions.


I prefer cartoony and chibi. I would certainly make realistic ones when you offer them but I'll be happier with the cuter ones. I think you're right that cartoony sells more plushies. I think it's because they are a character of sorts where a realistic one is just a goat, or a cat, or whatever


I think you have to do what makes you happy as an artist. You can still offer both with majority being the one you enjoy. I've spent years doing things because it was the more favourable options and it made me miserable creatively.


Whatever you love doing is the most important, it's you who is making the patterns, people can go if they don't like it ;3


I honestly really love the cartoony style and the artists does an amazing job. Although those types of plushies are my preferred choice I understand for those who refer more realistic ones 💜


I personally enjoy toony because it's easier to adapt to other animals too - so I get to have fun modifying the patterns! but some variety with realistic would be nice every so often, especially if that's what other people want


I'm not really difficult in terms of style because every single plush you've made was so cool! I really like the variety of styles you're giving, and I have a soft spot for anything cartoony (chibi or not!)


I love the cartoon style!!! Love all your plushies, can’t wait to start making them all! ❤️ the current series is gorgeous! 🥰🤩


I love the cartoony style! keep doing what you're doing


I personally love the chibi/cartoony plushies and prefer them to realistic ones in general anyway. I guess it’s not possible to please everyone, so I say do what you enjoy!


I love the chibi/cartoony style. That's what got me hooked on your work


Tbh I've been over the moon with the cartoony style myself :) sounds like many others agree too! Doesn't mean people can't take the pattern and add more realistic features to them themselves, if that's more of the option they're looking for :) You of all would know what's a hit and what could potentionally be a miss, we all trust your judgment and expertise 💕 whatever you make, I just feel honored to be a part of seeing how you work and having the opportunity to learn and create with you 🥰


I love the cartoony style, but I’m always up to trying a realistic plush! What I don’t like is when a plush looks storebought like with the plastic eyes and stuff


I think you can still be toony but tone down the eye size. Maybe that's what people weren't liking?


I love it toony, realistic is all over the place but toony sells to kids and makes people squeal.


i came for the toony designs. I have been very pleased with all of them. Im happy to stick around for more realistic ones if they are animals I really love.


I’m here for toony. I don’t dislike realistic but depending on what it is would decide if I’d stick around for that month.


I’m so mad that people are giving you a hard time about this. Do the work you want to do, and if they don’t like it they can leave. They don’t get to tell you what to make.


I like both styles. It all depends on the plush, if it's good to do realistic or toony. I'm still rooting for an eventual kobold pattern. I love them.


I don't think you owe an apology. Your work is what you want to make it. Keep on doing what you love 😀


I love the cartoony the most! They are what got me here. I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the next few!!! 💕💕


I love all the styles you create! Love realistic one, love the cartoon ones. I think they are great. I have learned so much from you, look forward to both styles


I personally love the toony, I don’t have a problem at all with what you’ve been putting out. I actually am super fond of your new artist’s concepts! Each one has been insanely cute and translates well into a plush.


I am so excited about this goat! I've really been digging this art style as well, and it's a shame that people are complaining. Though, generally, people that are happy tend to not say anything unless they're SUPER happy, while people are more likely to complain even if its just a small complaint. So, as you've said, your sales speak for themselves. Though I do appreciate the realistic looking plush, I feel like it's not something I'd personally want to try to make because it's outside my skill set.


I do not follow you for the naturalism look. I have always adored your style for your style. And i think it would be a huge loss of you were to do more natural looking plush. Pleople can always change the design to fit them better and make them as accurate as they want here. I hope you don't quit doing toony, because it is so few of them out there and we need that. One can always craft their own if that is a big concern. Your videos have aldready tapped into it plenty a times how one can tweak the patterns to work for that. So i hope this take helps, even if im blunt. I like to cut to the chase.🤗


I think people can be happy that they get for the little money, always so great, complex patterns in the month. I find the cartoon style more beautiful than realistic. :) I love the drawings of the artist. He does great work!


Cartoony is much preferred in my opinion.


exactly what misskamira said!!!! I myself am here because I like your style! Dont change your style for someone else!


I also like the toony plushies. I’m an admirer of your style and expertise as a fellow plushmaker. I’m a big supporter and have bought many a tutorial from you and have been a patron for a while. I became a patron to learn and improve my own craft (which is also a toony style), as well as to enjoy some great art. I think most of us prefer the toony plushies; we’re just lurkers who are quietly chilling with the style we know we can expect from you


I love the toony plushies


I love your style! Please don't feel pressured to change it. It's amazing.


I personally love the toony look. The artist that you’re working with is so awesome! But I’ve loved all the patterns that you do. At the end of the day, the style that you pursue is, and should be your choice. Do what makes you happy, the rest will follow.


I've loved every single one of the recent plushies! Your patreon is yours & you should be allowed to enjoywork on things you enjoy - I'm sorry people have given you a hard time. Just remember - you'll never please EVERYONE so feel free to do what you feel drawn to to avoid getting burnt out ♡


I personally Prefer the Cartoony Look I love cartoony look of plushies they are adorable and cute more inviting to give a good hug and snuggle with.


Definitely love the toony designs more than realism!


I personally prefer toony


Love toony style :3


Being annoying, I like both! I really, really LOVE a good realistic plush, and I enjoy good toonies as well. I think the important word here is 'good', as in well designed for its style.