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Wanting to do a series of patterning videos. I want to cover the basics first (so not go into a full quadruped/complex pattern for earlier videos). Like how to pattern hooves/feet. How to pattern arms/hands. How to pattern ______ head shapes etc (not how to pattern an entire character, more common patterning concepts/shapes)

What kind of shapes do you guys want to learn to pattern? What do you struggle with? 

Will not cover how I pattern anthros at this stage, but open to suggestions. 



I have sort of a patterning tutorial id love to see; but I'm not sure if the shape (body) is more suited to the bean shape one that you're gonna bring out this month anyway... So maybe I'll wait till I see that one. Are we able to send you examples for the kind of thing we are meaning ? Even if they're other plush examples ?


Absolutely :). links in comments would be great. I get so many pms it gets easy to loose them/forget


I can't get a sewing machine to obey me at all :( do you have any links to seriously basic tutorials? Honestly i can kill needles and even blow out motors just trying to get the thing to sew in a straight line (or a curved line! because whichever one i want i seem to get the opposite! when i want a curve its straight, and when i want a straight line it wobbles everywhere!)


I'd suggest watching a lot of videos. I learnt a lot when I started - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/shinyhappywendi/videos" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/user/shinyhappywendi/videos</a> I'd also suggest taking your sewing machine into the store that you bought it from (or another local store) and getting a lesson on how to use it. I did that for each of my machines, most of the time the staff are more than happy to show you. It really helps having someone there in person, it's very hard to troubleshoot stuff like that online.


Heads that don't have snouts o.o they always get me.


Dragon heads! Like the kind that have that defining swoop down from the forehead, and then swoop back up at the nose. If that makes sense. I tried it once but couldn't get the effect dramatic enough &gt;.&gt;


Birds, dogs, horses?


Hooves/paws/claws would be cool, as well as the 3d-style hip I see with a lot of your MLP plushes. :3


I wish the hip was easier to explain. I was trying to do so a cpl of days ago, it ended up in several messages and I confused both of us XD


Examples would be great. Each can vary so much, and the patterning for different interpretations would vary wildly :)