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Hi guys. For anyone who missed the earlier post my nan has been passing away over the last week. Should be any day now. It has been extremely tough. I may have reduced availability for replying to messages. I’ve been doing my best to reply but I’m just overwhelmed atm


Dollface Cosplay

Thinking of you and your family. 💜


Take whatever time you need. It's important that you care for yourself and your loved ones. We're all sending you kind vibes 💚


Hun, don't stress. It's not important to get work done when life happens. It happens before our eyes and cannot be undone. Talking to us and doing your duties always comes second when loved ones have a hard time. With any lifehappening really. Its the beauty of humans. We are capable to feel. On good and bad terms. Don't feel obliged to press yourself for our sake. It's okay Naz😊 and im sorry for the hell you are going through right now. Rake your time to heal💙


I'm so sorry. Please take all the time you need to take care of yourself and your family <3


Take all the time you need, seriously. Life comes first, regardless of the outsiders who think artists are just machines. Sending all my love to you and your family. I'm so sorry for the struggles and loss ;__;


Take all the time you need we understand and are here for you

Sherrie Mora

understandable, just go at ur own pace. we care about u and we can wait until u r ready.


Please take as much time as you need


take your time!! its best not to overwhelm yourself and rest instead than to keep working!


Take as much time as you need Naz, we'll be thinking of you <3


Take your time Naz, Loosing loved ones is never easy, take time for yourself for the mental tole this will bring and take time to grieve. Don't feel like you need to keep up with this at this time, You need time for yourself. Just Remember she is always around you <3


Sorry I didn't see this sooner. (((hugs))) Take care of yourself.


Please do not stress, you don’t need any more added to your plate 💕 I’m so sorry for you and your family.. going through that is incredibly difficult. You have so many people who care about You and take some comfort knowing everyone here will be there to support you in this process. I’ve been there with my dad and brother and ugh. Loss sucks so much. Baby steps and take it day by day. And that it’s okay to cry too 💕 don’t hold that shit in! 😜