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Did some major changes to her today. Left hand side is what she looked like early thismorning. Not bad but was giving me more saber/big cat vibes than pretty kitty. I knew the area under her nose was way too big and needed to be far more petite. 

With some careful surgery I was able to reduce the size greatly. She currently looks like the middle pic. I felt like the right hand nose/puff/section(??) was larger than the left. Did some symmetry tests and it's the same size but the right hand cheek is thinner than the left, throwing it off. I'll add some bulk to it over the coming days so even things out (eg right pic). 

Overall really exciting to see her go from ugly naked abomination of yesterday to having features and starting to look like herself. Should be on the downhill for finishing her. 

It sounds like a lot but shouldn't take long, the remaining process should be something like: 

Bulk right cheek. 3d print teeth. Sew tongue/s. Line inner mouth. Install final gums, install final teeth. Glue on nose, craft and install final upper-nose-lines. Attach lower eyelid (black). Craft assorted upper eyelid/eyebrow expressions (magnetised). Install fan, sew back of head/neck to front face. Sew on ears, add ear tufts, sew cheek fluff add cheek fluff. Install whiskers. Pattern and attach hair. 




How did you manage such intricate work? Shaping the muzzle once the fur is glued must be very difficult!