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I'm really curious. Do you guys value the patterning tutorial or the finished plush pattern that comes with it more? (not talking about the plush assembly, but the patterning process)

It would cut out a bunch of work if I didn't have to record the patterning process (I could then spend more effort on the pattern and video how to put it together). What are your thoughts? (comments welcome)



I’m so inexperienced that I like both equally...


I value the tutorials more long term, and the patterns more short term. So it’s a little hard to say yes one way or the other strongly.


I can’t speak for everyone but having the pattern to test out new techniques is wonderful, but I value the tutorial most. It helps me learn how I can apply the new techniques across patterning and promotes further growth as I become more advanced.


I think it really depends what is being made for me. I love a good pattern and the convenience of it, but I really value learning how to pattern strange and complex shapes. So for something like a dog/cat/horse it's more the pattern because they are familiar and similar to ponies whereas with the gecko it's interesting to see the process of patterning :)


I voted for the finished pattern, but really it depends. I find it really interesting to see how you come up with all the shapes, but I think maybe general plush patterning tutorials could be good? In any cases, all your content seems amazing! I just pledged and am really excited to see this month s pattern!


I’m more interested in finished patterns, but I also do like seeing how you actually construct them - the parts of the video after the patterning process!


I love the whole process of the pattern making, but for me the final pattern with a detailed tutorial instruction for how to duplicate your final product is more important to me.


I absolutely love the final pattern and seeing how it is put together, but I also really liked seeing the process for how it was made so I can try to apply similar techniques to my own pattern designs.


I would much rather see how it is made than have the pattern itself


While I love the patterns, I'm more in it for the process. You pass on a lot of great tips in those videos. (That said I totally love the patterns too)


Maybe focus on the more obscure shapes and stuff for the pattern tutorials, rather than the entire process? That way you can cut down on how long it takes, but still have the parts that you may not have covered before. The one you did for the beetle was SOOOOOOO incredibly helpful and fun to watch...the entire process was so crazy to watch!


that's so awesome to hear! I never really know what people will be interested in so it's a bit random for me. At least with different animals it provokes different patterning methods :D