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Today was one step forward, two steps back on Charizard. Spent the morning meticulously sanding his claws. Primed them to find that the resin I was using had a really bad reaction with the paint. The resin was fairly old so I'm thinking it might not be right. I tried a few different primers and all the same effect. 

I've ordered a fresh batch of another resin I know works fine (the one I used on Crash). That should come in early next week and I'll cast them all over again. 

Going to be working on what other parts I can and a little on the eagle mask while I wait for things to arrive. My fault for making Zard more complex than he had to be, but  I really wanted to blow him out of the water. The first mega charizard I made was one of my very first plush so I'm really keen to make a comparison between the two. 



Oh no! I had that happen when I primed the beak for a base before. The resin weeped oils and made the paint forever tacky.