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Prepare for updates, because Crash is going to start really coming together over the coming weeks. Had a lot of hassle with 3d printing his shoe bases. We had a run of big storms night after night and it kept blacking out and stopping the prints. I'm 2 hrs away from finishing the last shoe part and that is done. 

I've sculpted (traditionally) the shape of the shoe tops. I'll be extracting that pattern onto foam and covering that with fabric etc. 

Spent today using Zbrush (core) for the first time. I wanted to model Crash's torso/face etc since it's a very unusual shape. I'll be 3d printing this once it is done (will tweak another day or 2) and then extract a foam pattern for it. Will work on his shoes while it prints but shouldn't take long since I wont print it with high resolution. 

Extremely hyped to work with Zbrush, it feels very natural and much like sculpting with clay, except much faster. I can't wait to use it more and sculpt/print things like mask bases. 




Soooooooo excited!! :D