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First part of Crash is a go. I wanted to get his shoe soles modelled so I could start printing them, knowing they would take a really long time to print. 

I'm a total newb at modelling. Using Fusion360 for this particular job. You can get a free user licence if you are earning under a certain threshold. 

I spent almost all of yesterday modelling this. I had no idea what I was doing so jumped from tutorial to tutorial as I progressed through each step. Very slow pace but learning a bunch. 

It felt great to actually get what I wanted modelled from scratch. Learning how to do this is something I've wanted to do for a long time now. 

I printed a test at 20% scale and it came out great (will post a video tomorrow). Now printing the final 2 soles (that will be molded and cast in silicone for a realistic shoe sole texture. They are going to take almost 2 weeks to print because of the huge size, even hollowed out. 

I'll be working on modifying a previous commission that was sent back for changes through next week. Will see how fast that goes. 




Exciting! I was going to remark how impressive they are as a first-ever-day modelling project, but then I remembered you're an old hand at this... Every good plush has to have sole!


When you say printing for 2 weeks...does that literally mean printing for 2 weeks? What happens if it messes up?


It's split into 4 pieces. So each will take 3-5 days. If it messes up on a piece I can either cut the model it was printing in half and try to carry on printing the portion that wasn't printed, or start again