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Going to finally get around to doing a digitizing tutorial for embroidery. What kind of things do you guys want to see? Any common mistakes you'd like to see me discuss and fix? 

I don't digitise my gradients so that's not something that will be covered :) 




I do not own an embroidery machine, sadly. I do my embroidery by hand. 😅


gradient? maybe is something others want to see.


I also do my embroidery by hand, but I am saving up for a good machine so I’m excited for this video


Can you recommend a couple of different machines? Maybe one that’s a bit more affordable for a beginning artist?


GAPS, I get them often even with a freshly cleaned machine and overlapping sections. Maybe any other tricks you've picked up that you think most people wouldn't know.


Honestly, anything on how to take a drawn design and transfer it to embroidery is valuable; I'm a clueless n00b.


Double hooping would be neat! :) (don't know if you've covered that yet) but I've always wanted to know how to properly double hoop ^^


Do you do the gradients by hand? That would make sense, since I tried for about a week to get some nice machine gradients and they all came out like trash and made so many bird nests inside my machine. :|


Maybe how to make more 3d/puffy embroidery? I know some people use puffy paint or foam underneath but I don't know if you've tried stuff like that before?