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I can finally post the 'secret' plush I teased you guys about a few months ago. She was made for the original designer of Unikitty :D 

I'll be posting wips that I took of making her over the next few days to catch you guys up. She had some unique construction for a plush (to make her cube-ish, and her head rotates 360 deg 




I would like a chibbi sized unikitty plush one day but more based off the film 🌸

Hans Peter Bak

Aww. She's gorgeous and so cute! :D


I am completely blown away by the personality resonating from this plush!


Her expression is so vibrantly cartoony that I initially thought it had been photoshopped on! What an effective piece. Matthew Ashton's drumming up of her reveal (and subsequent twirling) on Twitter was very sweet; he certainly seems quite taken with her :D.


Very nice :3