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So after a very quick play with photoshop, I much prefer her eye without the lower eyelid. Also think it may do better if the eye is moved back a bit? Consider that most of her forehead will be covered in hair. 

What eye position looks best? 




Also gotta see if I can get that nose a little pointier


I love how it looks on the video, I think it gives it kind of a softer expression with the pink eyelid? The only little thing I could think of is maybe the lower lid extends a bit too much? If it was a bit shorter and tapered off maybe it’d look a bit more natural. From this pic I do like the change very much as it is nice and bold and looks better a bit further back, perhaps it’d want to be angled down a tiny bit too? 😊


If you go to the election of the princess herself, then the eye should be farther from the mouth and the head longer. But if you choose, then 1


I like #1, I dislike when her eyes are too far apart on the front, even if that might make it slightly more on model.