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there was a tie between golden retriever and skunk! D:

the position 1 winner was [Mouse], that'll stay as main winner from round 1 i suppose.
OPTIONAL: if you want, you can do this ranked poll, but i'm sure it'll get leaked probably...
but im curious what the ranked poll results would be...


i would of done a ranked poll for it the first time, but was sure it'd of leaked again :/ but maybe should of just done it >3<
Question 2's round 1 results:
mouse                    |15(p's)+4(s's)= 19
golden retriever | 14(p's)+1(s's)= 15
yellow fur cat       |3(p's)+2(s's)= 5
skunk                      |11(p's)+4(s's)= 15
squirrel                   |9(p's)+3(s's)= 12
goldfish                 |6(p's)+0(s's)= 6

Question 1's round 1 results:
tentacle:                  7%(p's)    42%(s's)
grugan'kobolds:   3%(p's)    14%(s's)
dragons:                  62%(p's)    42%(s's)  (winner easily....)
horseandbull:        17%(p's)  N/A
3 random dogs:    10%(p's)  N/A

really thought it'd be tentacles...


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