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item one:
pairing suggestion window is now open! :V https://www.patreon.com/posts/57087272

item two:
revising crusader issue 1-3 is 20 outta 70 pages done so far! =T on a day off from comic work, i can do about 3-4 pages a day. BUT since i'll be doing suggestions for this month and the next, that'll likely slow down. so i'll sadly miss the blackfriday thing i wanted to do BUT im glad its getting done at all, i can use the villain character again. (eggmaker will be named Yolker AKA Miriam Yolk (from the input i got, people liked the name)  (get it? like egg yolk, also its like 'joker' =P) and has been recolored and adjusted to be different, aswell as the making the enemies into kobolds.

item three:
i changed file hosting :V! so all my files are backed up somewhere else =T so that's nice.
so if by some chance you encounter a broken link from back when i used to host things and offer that as a reward, thats what happen :v

item four:
oh and my birthday is on the 10th, so if you want, comment now or then happy birthday :3 if you want =b thanks in advance, have a lovely day! =3 now i need to go continue work remasting Tempting Fate! :V



happy birthday!