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Since i'm located basically directly in the path of hurricane Irma, power will probably go out for a week or worst case more, so pages 17, 18 and 19 will probably be delayed.

While the power is out though (baring being needed to help remove downed trees on the house or the house collapsing on me) i will be working on drafting the remaining pages of the comic, since i can and do draw them on paper. =b

I almost have page 17 done, but i might not get it done before the power goes out, its already a little windy.

I'm pretty sure my house will weather the storm though, we've been thru afew of these, but man, this is the most panic i've seen a hurricane make in florida! :o

Ok! going back to work!

P.S.: i wont be able to process any patreon folder requests while the power is out :v so sorry for the potential delays on that too if.



Stay safe, good luck out there!


Stay safe Kitsu, we love you!

Ami Laston

stay safe and dry, we can wait for your return


Stay safe! We all love you!


Stay safe and and please don't get sick with best wishes