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There she is, Episode 9. This update brings new story content and some bug fixes in earlier episodes.

Alorth created over 15 animations which I think you're going to enjoy (especially the ones involving Lilly). Grubb worked his ass off to get the Portuguese translation ready on time and it's included in this release.

The Acarhyn scientist Caese and two priestesses feature in the two extra scenes for €15 patrons in this release.

A big thanks to Alorth, HoboCop86, Razielprince, Fhilb  and Grubb for testing and proofreading.

Download for Windows/Linux (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
Download for Mac (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
Download for Android (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)
Download for Android (Compressed) (Mirrors: NOPY / WORKUPLOAD)


- Add Episode 9
- Update Portuguese translation (thanks to Grubb)
- Update Russian translation (thanks to MyPrettyWolfy)
- Update Polish translation (thanks to Freeman)
- Fix spelling, wording and grammar (thanks to Matthew Percival, somebodynobody, hideouz, overtaker40)
- Make relationships screen less spoilerific (thanks to HoboCop86)
- Make Kit's name color more distinct (thanks to Naughtykutchy)
- Disable save game naming on tablets (thanks to Grimlar)
- ep001: Fix portait error (thanks to Zontany)
- ep005: Fix gallery replay for two scenes (thanks to somebodynobody)
- ep007: Fix choices display during Cetruvar search on Android devices (again)
- ep003: Fix threesome continuity (thanks to Grubb, Spencer Whalton and Bartimayus)
- ep003: Fix incorrect speaker (thanks to Señor Frog)
- ep002: Fix several renders during R'o orgy (thanks to Angery Snek)



What a masterful story. I haven't played since Episode 6 and I must say the writing is getting deeper and richer all the time. I also want to do a big thumbs up on the score. Normally, I turn music off because it is usually boring and repetitious, but the music here is cinema quality and perfectly matches the scene. Bravo!


Thank you! Good to hear the soundtrack is appreciated. I have a lot of fun picking the tracks for each release.