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The list of remaining images is shrinking fast. I created over 50 new ones the past week, worked on two new locations (a large space station plaza and a docking bay) and touched up the renders I'd already made. I have two animations waiting to get rendered and there are four that still need to be created, bringing the total up to about 8 animations.

The whole Twi'll rerender is also almost completed, I just need to do some postwork on the casino images. Of course I'd forgotten to render two animations from that batch, so I redid those this week as well with the help of Alorth. That's when I found one animation file from the Twi'll threesome which I forgot to render at all for Episode 5, so that one will be included in the next release.

The code for the latest episode is mostly complete, except for the two extra scenes that I need to write. I've already integrated all of the correction I've received from my proofreaders. Apart from that I've implemented a new feature that allows you to enable portraits next to the speaker's name in the game. It's disabled by default, but you can enable it via the settings menu.

That's it for me, hope you all enjoy your weekend!


Sam Foreman

Hey I have been playing Sisterly Lust, I have gone through once with just having one girl, I am going through again and have two girls how do I get all of them


Hey Sam, Thanks for being a patron! Explaining all of the choices is a bit too involved, but you should have access to the walkthrough for both games, which can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/walkthrough-v0-4-38530926 If you have any questions let me know here or on Discord.

Marty McLean

Lots of patience and follow the walkthrough or pay close attention to the love/corruption scores when making choices.