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Due to the disruptive changes Patreon has been rolling out regarding payment charging I've added a new $3 tier to bridge the gap between $1 and $5 patrons. We'll see how it goes.

I've also set up a Discord server for that tier (and up), for those of you who'd like to chat.



Just saw your server pop up in my Discord, but I don't see any channels listed. Not sure if it's just my personal role/permissions or if the server's channels need an adjustment.


I think it's a permissions issue, should be fixed now. I can now see online and offline members in the default channel.


did you consider swapping to makerssupport instead of patreon?


Haven't heard of MakerSupport before, but it seems like a one-man team and primarily has a few political projects hosted. But if this is going to be the platform where all the adult creators will flock to I might follow in the future.


Comment edits

2023-01-06 07:16:08 Well done, dude! Merry Christmas to all <3
2017-12-28 05:40:43 Well done, dude! Merry Christmas to all <3

Well done, dude! Merry Christmas to all <3