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So you might have heard about the very recent crackdown by Patreon on pages that do not follow their content guidelines. Major developers (like Mr. Dots and Lewdlab) were asked to remove any taboo content from their games.

While this project is still very small potatoes compared to the developers mentioned above and I haven't been contacted by Patreon yet, I'm stil going to take some preemptive measures in order to prevent being suspended.
As of now, the versions of the game that will be released here on Patreon will not contain the taboo content forbidden by the guidelines (all the older release posts will point to the new version of the game). I've prepared a new release which reflects the changes which will be posted today. It's not the version I want to release, but I feel forced to do this in order to avoid suspension. That said, as soon as there is a viable alternative to Patreon: I'm out.

I will message patrons (new and existing) with some additional information regarding the situation. I've also set up a simple website for the game. Again, I believe the content guidelines forbid me to actually link to the website, but the combination of 'perverteer' and 'wordpress.com' in Google will get you there...

All these shenanigans have kept me from writing more of Day 08, but I did get the design of some new characters done. More on that soon for higher tier patrons.



You would think if they were going to be discriminatory, the biggest guys would be the one's to get a pass, not the other way around. Found your website, is the download there the same as the patreon one, or the other version?


On the other hand they're the most visible, so going after them creates a bigger shockwave. Not sure if it's in the best interest of this platform in the long run, though, if multiple top earners were to leave. As for the version on the website: it's the other version.


They probably think they have to leverage because there's no viable alternative. Eventually somebody's going to set one up and when that happens patreon's going to lose a bunch of income.


would you mind messaging me on how you found the website?