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Hi all, just wanted to let you know that there is a small bug with the latest versions of all the apps.

If running apps on CSP 0.2.3 - Preview builds, the apps will say your CSP version is too low incorrectly and be disabled.

For those of you who have already purchased the latest versions, you can do the following to fix the code in the meantime.

1) Open the apps .lua file. (For example: "Nuzzis_Rolling_Start_App.lua")

2) Search for all occurrences of "if ac.getPatchVersionCode()" There are no more than a few of these checks per app.

3) Edit the line so that so the value only needs to be higher than 2744. For example:

         if ac.getPatchVersionCode() > 2744 then

I will get this fixed by the end of the week, apologies.  


Philipp Hößl

It is an easy fix (i changed the Minimum Version number to 2973 CSP 0.2.3 Preview is 2974 and everything works)


It's not related to the bug, but hey You are literally a lifesaver! I just discovered your apps, and these are, what I was looking for, especially the rolling start, mechanical failure and the freakin AI stuck mid race app, there was always that one car, who didn't want to race. Damn! The only thing I still miss being able to start & stop the car manually, then it'd be perfect! Maybe one day. Thank you for your work, you deserve more attention!