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v2.0 Update has added the following:

1) Increased Pit Stop Time Slider range.

2) Included a new slider to allow users to define their own pit window range for each AI's pit stop.

3) Added a Button for users to state which side of the Pit Lane the Pit Boxes are.

4) Added a Button for Enabling / Disabling Track physics, so Track Checksum errors can be avoided when switching to racing in online lobbies.

A big thank you to all of those who have commented support and feedback, let's keep making this app and our racing experiences better!


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So i found out that i doesn't work in race weekends

Matthew Cahill

This app is near perfect and brings so much to AC! For the next iteration, it would be great to be able to provide multiple strategies for a single race and have them be assigned to AI at random or manually. For example, it would be awesome to set up a one-stop strategy for half the grid, and a two stop strategy for the other half of the grid! Keep up the great work!