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Main details first: my computer is dead, I have not lost everything I create regular back ups, however I'm willing to say that I've lost the patreon requests along with other recent files, and I will not be able to supply them this month, along with an end of month post. If you are here for patreon requests I'm more than happy if you refund this month due to these extraneous circumstances. I may not be able to do patreon requests this October

Long more details version:
So I have been having errors before but I thought I had sorted them out as I just needed to update drivers, i had no other issues. But I experienced a registry error and I could not get my computer to boot without some kind of crash, and I could not restore or wipe system without encountering errors.
I've taken it to the shop and they were very communicative, but the working theory is there is something wrong with my SSD since they can't format it at all. So, I need new parts to come in to replace the SSD. While I've been assured its a speedy process, it's shipping times and such.
I'm sincerely sorry, this has blindsided me, as I've not had this computer long, I may need to put patreon on pause and go into commission only mode for a while. Again if you are here for patreon requests only feel free to refund your month and I'll see what I can do personally, thank you for your time!



Requests are a perk, not an obligation imo. Please don't feel bad if you are unable to do them for the next few months while you figure out the computer situation! I would love to snag a full comm if you end up opening them in the future (since i've missed them on a few occasions)


Really sorry to hear this! Technology can be the worst. But honestly I agree, requests are a perk I'm here to support your art.