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  • Judy Missionary 4k Early Access.mp4
  • Judy Missionary Pov only 4k.mp4
  • Judy Missionary Side only 4k.mp4



Vid's ready! Just waiting on voicing so as usual y'all in the 4k squad enjoy the early access! <3

So happy to see how excited y'all were for this! Judy is such a sweetheart~ ;3

Also just added side only and pov only vids! When sound is available I'll make sure to divide those up too!



Furry Korsar

Welp, I'm excited 😅


I want this to be out so bad!!

Dr. Duck

Looks great! I appreciate the separate POV's


looks great, love your judy animations <3


Will this animation still be getting sound or other updates? It's one of my all time favorites! Just curious since it's been awhile.


Great question Robert and I'm glad you like it! I was trying to get a new VA for this one but the Roxy VA was going to give her some pointers but she's been occupied with other stuff and hasn't been able to do it. According to my VA she should be able to do Judy next weekend at the latest!