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Like usual Please pick your top 3 themes. And you are encouraged to make suggestions in the comments below, even the ones you didn't vote for. The most appealing suggestions for the winner and possibly runner ups will be done. Please keep your suggestions simple so I can try to do as many as possible along with progress on some long running projects.

I'm also skipping themes that were not only done recently but ones that received no votes. This should keep the options less bloated. Those options will come back in rotation in like the ones for the recent stuff.



would you accept a different version of a cannon character, like, say, a robot version of twilight sparkle?


Saturday Morning: Callie Briggs wrapping her arms around a nervous Jake Clawson in a tight embrace from behind, pressing her huge breasts against his back as she describes lewd sex acts she wants to do with him. Cooch/Crossover: Black Cat Cooch beckoning a turned on She-Hulk to join her as she's riding Spider-Man's cock.