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The 8th page. As suggested by Kazuki, MC, And an implication of Infinite Warlock's suggestion.

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The Raj

Wonderful page! I say, for the next page, let's give Spike a lucky brake as he's encountered by the store owner/manager. The slogan is "guaranteed to with hold a dragon or your money back." They give him the bed for free so long as he doesn't brake anymore beds.


Ah, but that would end the story too early. No heroes journey of him trying to take on tasks around ponyville in order to get funds to afford the bed.

Henrik Eriksson

like what raj post, but instead of giving Spike the bed they give him a jobb to display the beds durability and also to deliver the bed to the customers.


The Runaway: Spike has been spotted by security, he knows if they catch him they'll question him about his involvement with the broken beds and probably make him pay up for causing damage to store property, so he grabs a nearby blanket, wraps it around his waist since he doesn't have time to get dressed, and starts running into the large labyrinth that is the IKEA. He runs a whole lap around the IKEA and makes the security guards go on a wild goose chase after him. After getting some distance between the security guards, Spike finds an employee's janitor closet and opens it to find the usual cleaning essentials along with a janitor worker's uniform, and suddenly he gets an idea. The Idea: The security guards start slowing down and believe they have lost him, that's when they start hearing noises coming from near the janitor's closet and start heading over there. They arrive there only to find Spike wearing an IKEA janitor worker uniform just mopping the floor and humming a song to himself, except they don't know it's Spike because of the hat he has on and the fake black moustache on his face similar to the one from the show. They approach him and ask "Hey, excuse us, have you seen a guy running around here with a blanket?" Spike then calmly replies by saying in a different voice "Nope, no one's past by here, but if you're talking about a little kid running around with a blanket who looks like he's late for something, I think I might have seen some dude run to the other deeper side of the store that way", Spike then points to the other side of the store that goes even further into the IKEA then the other side of the store which is the side that RD & the Deluxe Durable are as well as the exit. The security guards then say "That way? You sure?" Spike says "Oh yeah for sure, totally saw someone running around over there". After being assured by the impersonating janitor and confirming where Spike went the security guards thank Spike and Spike says "Happy to help sirs!" while waving bye to them and watches the security guards as they leave him alone and heading into the direction he pointed at. After making sure they're gone he lets out a brief sigh of relief, amazed that his idea worked and was successfully able to bamboozle them, next he quickly drops the mop and starts running back to RD, when he gets there he takes off the janitor disguise and quickly puts his normal clothes back on. Why RD Should Stay Behind: After taking note of the Deluxe Durable's price Spike is ready to leave, but he thinks RD should stay behind since she's the one who started this whole mess, so she should deal with the explaining for why there's so many broken beds and Spike knows that since RD is a Wonderbolt and assumes she gets paid quite a bit, she should be able to handle the payment for all the broken beds. However, he does feel kind of bad leaving RD like this, so he grabs another nearby blanket and covers her up with it and a nightshade/eye mask for sleeping to make her look like she's just taking a nap, that way when the security guards start questioning her she can just make up some excuse to hide the real truth about the beds and maybe even tell a false alibi, or actually end up paying for all the broken beds, who knows what RD will come up with to get herself out of there, and Spike, being the good guy & assistant he is, even takes her clothes and places them beside the bed, so she doesn't have to go all crazy looking for them herself. The "Brain Drain" Effect: Just as he's about to get ready to run, Spike suddenly remembers something: The "Brain Drain" Side Effect, which is when someone makes physical contact with Spike's cum somehow or someway, it starts taking effect within the affected person, and it basically drains their common sense temporarily and all they can think about is sex and makes them even more horny and lustful for the person who's cum they just felt, which would be Spike, and makes them increasingly sex hungry & crave for even more of his cum as well, so instead of using their minds to think, they think with their bodies and use their urges & impulses to guide them. The effect can go away & end if Spike cums really really really hard inside them, and like a battery, what happens when something is overloaded and it becomes too much to handle? It explodes, but in this case, the effect explodes via climaxing and dissipates within them and they turn back to normal. Spike Takes Action: As Spike remembers The "Brain Drain" Effect by having a flashback of when he cummed all over Twilight and it started to take over her when she started talking funny and let Spike have his way with her, he says "Oh no" and that he has to turn back and finish the job. He knows that as soon as RD regains consciousness she'll be all sex hungry for him and hunt him down till she's satisfied, so he might as well give her what she wants now, so he goes back to RD, and just as she's waking up and about to pounce, Spike starts pounding her with everything he's got left in him, and RD enjoys every single second of it. Spike tries to wrap up this one last banging as quickly as he can before his time window that he bought himself to escape runs out, and so with one big thrust, he dumps his huge load inside her. The Escape: After cumming in her and seeing the satisfied look on her face he can tell the effect is starting to wear off, so he zips his pants up, puts the blanket over RD again, and immediately starts sprinting towards the exit before the security guards can find him again, and once he's outside and in the clear, without looking where he's going, he bumps into Rarity or Applejack, which can then lead Spike into the first of his odd jobs that he has to do to earn money for the Deluxe Durable. **Summary: Spike runs away, he tricks the security guards by pretending to be an IKEA janitor, he thinks RD should stay behind but just before he's about to leave he remembers The "Brain Drain" Side Effect and has the flashback. Spike goes back to RD, bangs her one last time till she's satisfied, then after cumming in her, he leaves the store, where he bumps into Rarity or Applejack outside.


That's a lot to fit into a single page and probably would've been an entire miniseries in itself. maybe something slimpler like Spike goes to "Insert place" or meets up with "Insert character?"


Yeah sorry, I know it's pretty long, I tried splitting it up into different sections to make it look less intimidating. But next time I'll for sure try to keep it shorter and keep what you said in mind!


The "guards" are actually Rarity and Pinkie Pie, wearing clothes and hats that Rarity made. They're here to help Spike and RD get out of the IKEA before they get into REAL trouble.


Love the idea of Skullman.


P.S. I added a summary of my suggestion at the bottom to sum everything all up in one short scoop. Hope this helps!