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on the bright side, dreams do come true!




Her dream certainly came true, and I love how she tries to wear a shirt that doesn’t fit her, it shows off the belly nicely 🤤❤️✨


how does that even happen lmfao


God I wish I was akias personal trainer! Know exactly how to help her lose weight with starving her. I would also get to enjoy seeing her eat and work out everyday🤤.


Funny how she's thin in her dream, like she still doesn't accept she's fat. I LOVE seeing fat girls raiding the fridge at night so thank you thank you thank you!!!


Oh thats new she's a sleep eater I wonder if saiya will hear about this and exploit it somehow


Aika Croft: Fridge Raider


>sleep-eating >Aika's natural gluttony increasing alongside her weight this page is pushing buttons I didn't even know I had


Is the other girl a little plumper as well? And Aika is looking cute!


Ohhh to have a girl like Aika sitting in front of the fridge oblivious to how big she’s getting

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

Sleep eating is such a good kink, can't wait to see where this goes! Hoping for some more object swallowing which can lead to very interesting drama

Oodles of Noodles

From kissing girls you say 👁👁 Also ooough that shot of her in front of the fridge,,,


kinda funny how she is much skinnier in her dreams than irl

Jayix Chezro

Sleep eating~ 😌😚

Bad bad randy

Is her being thinner in her dream representative of her denial? idk how original that is but this is the first time I think I’ve seen it and it’s cool


Aika gonna accidentally swallow someone's wallet, phone and keys?