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It's that time of the year again!  Feel free to share any memorable moments you've had, it doesn't matter if you've told it in one of these threads before it's always fun to read em!

Here's one I don't think I've told before:

I remember back in school there was a girl in our class who did disco dancing as a hobby and was pretty fit. She was really proud of her abs and wore a lot of navel exposing shirts and generally made it a priority to show off her stomach whenever she could. She and her friend got into this weird habit of doodling butterflies and flowers and text and whatever with a sharpie onto their tummies. They were always showing them off but the best part was when one of the girls of that group (who was also a disco dancer but for some reason had a very pronounced pot belly) joined the fun and I can remember watching how the sharpie sank deep into her tummy when she drew on it, and how she proudly presented her big round belly with doodles all over it along with everyone else. And since this was in class everyone could see. Wild times.

Love to hear your stories!

Also while I will never directly use any of these in my work I may take heavy inspiration from them so just keep that in mind as to not to share anything too personal~



Lucky bastard, you got a whole show

Ryan Caday

Got to watch a fairly heavy girl struggle through a run at the gym when I was there... not a ton of details since she was just running and I didn't know her but a good, classic scenario nonetheless.


I started making a WG VN a while ago... (so there will be a lot of those soon 😜)

Fat Enjoyer

I've got two very close girl, friends of mine who are both quite fat but have very different bodies. I've known them both for about 3 years now, also worth noting that they both know about my attraction to fat women. Every month or two we get together for a night of drinks and we have a great time chatting shit and playing games. We get quite flirty when we're drunk and now they pre much let me just fondle their huge guts. And they love it as well because I'm appreciating their bodies for what they are. They also burp quite a lot and one of them can burp on command and as someone who is into burps as well it's always great 😍

Geb Baserr

Starting hanging out with a girl i met on tinder, she had a tragic backstory and was generally broke. She was about average build wise, maybe a bit on the heavier size. Start buying her meals whenever we hung out cause she didn't have the money, didn't accept it at first despite her financial situation. Eventually, she starts accepting food from me if I frame then as "dates" she just plows through every meal I buy her happily and greedily, like she was deprived of food. She starts blowing up in size, at first just a few pounds, I would spoil her whenever i could. It appears she used to be larger but her circumstances caused her to lose a bunch of weight. We become an item. She's very insecure about having a tummy, to which i reveal to her that i find her weight/gain very hot. She is relieved and happy someone accepts her in her natural state of hunger/greed, not pressuring her to lose weight/eat less and of course that someone else is paying. She told me she would be happy to keep eating and letting her body grow as she's too lazy to do anything about it + knowing I love it. I keep her well fed and happy to this day


I remember in high school there was this girl in my homeroom class who was fairly fit and used to sit next to me. We talked abit but weren't super close. She used to wear tight fitting clothes and had a pretty decent body and was on the track team or something but she quit halfway through the year because of her grades being poor. Then around that time we had our summer break which is about 2 months before we come back to school in our next level of education, and luckily I had her again for the same homeroom class. But when I saw her again she put on a considerable amount of weight. I remember it because she wore one of the same shirts she wore the year prior and it was hard to cover her whole belly when she sat down. It was considerably bigger and looked very soft. But that isn't the end of my story. Throughout the rest of the year I would always see her bring something to snack on while we were in homeroom. By the time it was almost time for graduation she probably put on close to 30 to 40 pounds. She went from this cute small slender girl to this soft pudgy one in the matter of a few months and I had a front row seat. I remember in high school there was this girl in my homeroom class who was fairly fit and used to sit next to me. We talked a bit but weren't super close. She used to wear tight fitting clothes and had a pretty decent body and was on the track team or something but she quit half through the year because of her grades being poor. Then around that time we had our summer break which is about 2 months before we come back to school in our next level of education, and luckily I had her again for the same homeroom class. But when I saw her again she put on a considerable amount of weight. I remember it because she wore one of the same shirts she wore the year prior and it was hard to cover her whole belly when she sat down. It was considerable bigger and looked very soft. But that isn't the end of my story. Throughout the rest of the year I would always see her bring something to snack on while we were in homeroom. By the time it was almost time for graduation she probably put on close to 30 to 40 pounds. She went from this cute small slender girl to this soft pudgy one in the matter of a few months and I had a front row seat.

Nenohi Dayo

There was this friend I used to know back when she was at her heaviest when she had a pool party at her place. I recall mentioning how she should join us but kept saying she was fine with watching us from the outside, but then eventually caved and said she would, and I thought she was just gonna wear a t-shirt but instead came out wearing a snug two piece black bikini. Honestly couldn't take my eyes off her the whole afternoon and she seemed pretty confident in wearing it and got a lot of compliments from her friends that day. There was another time where at a con I stopped by her hotel room in which I caught her just finishing up in the shower and all she wore was just a large t-shirt, her gut stuck out so much it made the shirt ride up so much around her waistline,,,


1. At work, I have this coworker has a pretty big potbelly but also normal sized frame so its pretty obvious. She also wears the tightest polo shirt too so theres no hiding it. When she walks, her belly jiggles and wobbles like crazy and it’s actually mesmerizing. She also eats a lot for lunch so she always looks so big and round right after. 2. At my last job, I had this cute coworker that I got along with pretty well. She was slim and would like to wear clothes that would be like grip to her body shape. Well on thanksgiving day/black friday one year, we had a big potluck and there was a to of food in the breakroom. Well during our lunch, this cute, slim girl downed 5-6 plates of food that day. These plates were like packed too. After, see here eat more than most of the people there, she came back to the area we were at and complained how stuffed she was while she was rubbing her belly. Her belly went from flat to round and packed tight. That was the greatest Black Friday ever haha


Sadly i only have one not so good story😕


So when I went to 6th Form (UK) there was this girl in my friend group that started quite fit as she did football for her school several years before hand. She also joined the team at the college, but quit after about 1 month as she couldn't be bothered to go anymore. Once this occurred she noticeably started to put on weight as she didn't change what she was eating but her activity levels went WAY down. We hung out quite close to the food counter and she would start going back for seconds of the fried chicken whilst we were studying. I also worked at Mcdonalds at the time, and got my hands on extra Monopoly game pieces (from dropped cartons that needed to be binned) so I would share these with the group to get people free food items. She took full advantage of this as well as my employee discount whenever we went there for lunch and the results soon showed. After a while she did notice the added weight and would voice how she shouldn't get extra chicken from the food counter as she was getting fat, but it never took much persuasion to break past that barrier. Add the stress of exams and by the end of the two years she had a small double chin, and a prominent muffin top all of which I defiantly helped along with!


So I’m someone who is a pretty hefty girl. I remember one day I was in class and we had these chairs that were built into the desk. I remember during this time I was getting heavier and heavier. Well one class I snuck in some soda in one of those big water bottles and as expected I was bloating up. Well as this was happening when I went to get out of the seat it like was stuck. I couldn’t leave so I was stuck to one of those chairs because I was just so greedy and couldn’t resist snacking in class on coke. Everyone in my class saw it, and the bottom of my belly was also exposed since my shirts didn’t really fit properly so when I wasn’t sitting I’d pull my pants up high. Well someone had to come and hold the desk down for me as I got out of it. It was an experience alright 😅 This is just one of many of my fat stories

Naval warfare

Girl I dated for a bit started out chubby (probably around 180 or so) but over the years grew to 250. Her belly went from some small chub to one that hung a bit. I just remember her stretching one time and the whole thing got exposed from her shirt lifting up too high. Bonus points that she was goth


Back in school I had a crush on a girl that had a bit of a muffintop and was generally a bit fluffier but not to the point that her face rounded out. Well we got drunk a bit and she let me rest my head on her belly. I felt like shit because of the alcohol but that softness was godlike.


Not really spicy at all just feel like bragging, only a little bit, about the fact I’ve been with my gf for over a year and she’s the hottest, fluffiest person in the world. Each time we do the deed shes more embracing of my kink, especially with a bit of alcohol. I felt bad for a really long time because she had trauma and society to thank for her size and always felt alienated, but she loves me and wants me to have a good time and says that in the bedroom she’s not concerned with any of that. we both kinda feed each other the things we like in bed, “I scratch your back, you scratch mine” kinda thing. Only with sex so it feels better than any back-scratch ever could.😂 I definitely know that I’m like the luckiest guy in the world every time I see her


The morning after a sleepover during high school, one of my best friends and secret crush of the time was getting dressed in the morning, and while chatting with me, she just grabbed a skirt on the ground and started to put it on, not paying much attention. She was a fairly thick pear with very round thighs and wide hips, and the skirt was so small it failed to go up a single of her thigh, with fat bulging a descent bit all around its edge as it got wedged there. The skirt belonged to another of my friends that was very skinny, and we discovered that day that one of my plump friend's thigh was much bigger than my skinny friend's hips.

Naval warfare

Also as something else that was great was how embarrassed she would get of her belly. I was the only person she was ok with seeing it but if I ever pointed out it was showing she would immediately cover it up. Sucks she moved away :(


Once, when I went to Olive Garden for a older cousin's birthday last year (he was in his mid 20s), it was a a normal experience till I saw the host for our table and she had the body of a goddess: her round gut hung far out and stretched out her buttoned dress shirt and I swear it would pop out if she wasn't careful, her chest was modest (like C cup) but it did well to compliment her hanging belly, and the largest part about her was her wide hips and bubbly rear that smoothly transitioned to her plump thighs that stuck out about as much as her belly but to the sides and back, her clothes hugged her body tight and showed off her figure, and all of it together was like seeing THE pear goddess. I didn't have the balls to say anything tho cause I was with family and I have 0 experience in dating/flirting. 🥲


Love that! When she's normal sized but the belly sticks out so much that everyone's attention immediately goes to it


Ok then😅its more sad then "not good". So i was together with a pretty chubby girl, she wasnt Sure if she wanted to loose or gain weight. So after i talked with her she did want to gain but after a short time i found out she dient want to and we scraped it. Then some time later we tried it again but ghen all of the suchen she just beoke up, but she kept playing with me cause i was all over her. She even promised me Sex one time and then just moments before we started Göttingen into it she just was like oh i dont want to anymore. Since that Day my heart is broken af and the worst thing is after all she did to me deep down i still want to get back to her even though i should and also dont want to. Sorry if this seems like i want attention but thats pretty mich my only Story with gains


Awww that's completely okay, thank you for sharing. I'd say try to find someone else this doesn't seem like a very good relationship, I'm sure there's someone that's right for you!

Zek 897

Wow I literally have no such story


Back when i was in high school in one of them gymnastic exercises we would hang onto swinging ropes from the ceiling, and in my class there was a very cute chubby girl. Coincedently she was about the same size of "fatness" that Kip usually draws them, except a little less round and a bit more fatty if you get what I mean, also she would have her blub more evenly distributed, being quite wide all over.. So on this one particular gym exercise we would take turns on these ropes and swing around, and eventually it would be her turn, she was oddly good as winging, she went quite far and quite fast. So fast in fact that her shirt got caught in the wind and lifted upwards. revealing her adorable belly jiggling and wobbling around from the speed and momentum. Sure made for a great view. Best part was she was completely oblivious to it and just let it happen.


I go to school with this cheerleader who’s definitely on the heavier side, plus she’s pretty short so that also defines her curves. But since I’m in marching band and she performs on the field I get a front row view of her and let me say she is a sight to behold on the field. She’s also in Spanish with me so I see her then too, she has a habit of wearing leggings all the time so it brings out her thighs and oh boy do I have a hard time paying attention in Spanish


So there was this girl I had a crush on in middle school but she had a boyfriend so I never really talked to her. But one day in Spanish class she sitting down behind the teachers desks and her boyfriend comes up behind her and starts squeezing and grabbing her belly. She then casually say “why do you like doing that?” As she continues writing on some paper. Then I make eye contact with the guy and he say to me while still rubbing “ mmhmm I know you seen this boy” with a smile on his face. I have no idea what he was implying but I just chucked and didn’t say anything back. *sigh*she was perfect and all her friends would mess with her belly. Her nickname was actually chubbs but she wasn’t fat looking. All the chubb was in her belly and another day one of her friends was just poking it. Fast forward today and I wonder why I love this stuff😂. Life has Indoctrinated me into this weird culture I had not shot at being normal😭. But I regret nothing and I’m glad I’m here


A Visual Novel... A type of game 😉. You could call it a digital comic/manga but with sound and in most cases animations. And usually you are controlling what the MC does/says and control what happens in the story 😁


I don’t really have any great stories but there was this girl in one of my classes back in high school and I swear I saw her playing with her belly while sitting in a desk She wasn’t even fat, but holy hell I’m glad I noticed There was also another girl whose tummy would bounce every time she took a step (and I swear I felt vibrations too) Back then I also had a crush on another girl who was chunkier and same thing there But now I’m the fatty, now that I discovered my identity and stuff… and I love it


Not really a story from a girl I dated, but rather when I found out I was into stuffing. I was watching that old show 6teen and was very fond of the character Caitlin, but I remember there was an episode where she started to work at the in-mall chocolate shop and started to gain so much fat. I remember thinking to myself, "Why do I feel so different about this?" I wasn't until years later that I found some videos of something called stuffing when it really hit me. Reading the comics that you, Pixiveo, Lewdlemage, Vale-city and Viro got my attention and yet I loved it At first, I wasn't able to talk to anyone about it, and still can't, just because while in high school, guys my age were talking about boobs and ass, while I wasn't too big on those. There were a couple of hefty girls in my school, but none that really caught my attention.


Long time ago when my ex and I started to get physical. She had a build like Cindy in the 3rd panel of page 27. Her tummy poked out of her shirt one time and I tried to touch her tummy. She didn't really like that so I stopped. Another time I just put my hand on her tummy, like Connor did the first time. She then asked, "Why are you touching my belly like that?" I then told her because you have such a cute belly and it feels nice. She then smiled and told me kinda liked it to. After that, sometimes when she ate too much she would tell me that she had "food babies" and suggested with her eyes to feel them. I would then rub her tummy and poke in certain areas and say I found them. She was also ticklish when I put my finger in her navel. On a side note, it'd be fun to see a spin off with Saiya, Tina and Connor at restaurant/bar talking about their belly stories to each other.


A friend of mine is studying to be a sex therapist, and is extremely open and candid about all things erotic. She's all for body positivity, and often shows a lot of skin, though she's on the heavier side, which I certainly admire in more ways than one. At a party one night, while I appreciated her appreciating the cheese platter, she, entirely unprompted, asked to everyone "would it be sexier if i ate this whole wheel brie really slowly or all at once?" My brain has never short-circuited that hard before


bonus brag: my kink-positive partner recorded vocal adaptation of No Lunch Take Out from Sydney's perspective. It is among my most treasured possessions

Stavros Karatsoridis

Not a “spicy” story, but one of my patients is a nurse who works for the same large hospital system I work for (I’m a doctor). She happens to be a feedee herself. About a year ago she was getting burned out working in the hospital setting so I helped her get a job at the clinic I work at and now she’s a nurse manager there. Since she works at the same place as me I introduced her to my wife (who is also a feedee). They’ve become good friends who share a lot of interests besides being feedists, but they’re also helping each other grow fatter.


I used to be a diver in school, and I had two fellow divers a year under me that I dove with for 5 years. One was slim and lean, and stayed that way for the whole time, the other went from probably 10lbs under me, to probably having 100+lbs on me by the end. over the years, the size comparison between us just got comical. She could dunk the board (having it bend to hit the water) with barely any effort. When she sat on the board, her butt would hang off a few inches on each side easy. By the end, her hips could brush the railings of the diving board with little room to spare. But what made it so endearing was that she just did not care and embraced her size. It was one thing to have a girl diver friend sit on your lap when she was petite. It was another when my other friend did the same and she would literally crush my lap with her giant butt


Apart from the fact that it will take me months until it will be done... I won't just post a link here as i don't want to "advertise" here without permission 😅

Roi Hartmann

Years ago there was this girl I was very close as a friend. We used to hang out a lot and, I don't even remember how it started but we had this strange habit of randomly poke each other's belly button from time to time and say piip. Especially if the belly button was peeking out under clothes. We both had a belly but she was considerably heavier than me.


Damn that is rare! To embrace that kind of size and dealing with all the shit you get from society, very impressive!


Whoa that is a rare thing, I love the idea of someone being very open about their sexuality and embracing their size like that


this was before my gf knew about my belly fetish stuff, and i stg, i remember her saying how BIG her belly got, and kept complaining about how stuffed she was with food, like impressively stuffed. BUT I NEVER ASKED TO SEE, i was respectful and she felt so bad when i told her about the fetish, because she knew she got big. it’s been years since and i still wonder how amazing it would’ve been. but she’s allowed me other fun with her belly. (no one asked but: sometimes i go on a tangent and wonder why i am attracted to this, but i always circle back to “belly hot” as my only conclusion lol)


This story was pretty crazy and I totally get it if you don't believe it but it really did happen. So in middle school I had this huge crush on this blonde girl in class. She was relatively fit and incredibly pretty. I had a crush on her for years. 8th grade came around and we had a field day or whatever with so much food. I remember sitting in the cafeteria and having a good time when I saw her. She had her shirt tied up to make it a like crop top which was crazy cuz we had uniforms so I don't know how she didn't get in trouble. Anyway as we were all eating I kept looking over to her cuz gosh she was like the greatest thing but she was eating a ton of food. After we got out of lunch she legit had a pot belly and I think she noticed cuz she kept crossing her arms like trying to cover it which I thought was so dumb cuz she could literally just untie her shirt. It was so round compared to what it usually looked like and I was a horny ass kid and I guess I liked it but that's not even the best part. It feels like a dream looking back and is probably my favorite moment ever but the school had like a bounce house type thing but it was like long and had little obstacles. I remember all of the class running through it and as we were playing I eventually caught up behind her and I definitely kept checking her out of course but something happened that made her fall back onto me and her bloated bare belly literally landed smack dab right against my face. It was only for a few seconds but it was like the highlight of my life. Trust me I know it sounds pretty far fetched but I think back to that day and it was probably one of the biggest reasons I love your work today kip. Super impressed and grateful you do what you do so keep it up! Honestly you rock x) P.s. it's been so long since then so she's in her mid twenties now and she got pretty chubby over the years which was pretty cool lol


I've worked at a liquor store for about a year now, and a girl who became a regular customer has gradually gained a potbelly from buying a 12 pack of beer every few days.


I’ve been dating my girlfriend for a little under a year now and basically right when we began dating she started birth control. My girlfriend has an average build and was pretty muscular at that time too. About 5 months in, her breast grew a cup size, and her ass grows as well. A few months later she goes back to school and I don’t see her for a couple months. I eventually get the days off to come see her and I make my way up, and learn that she didn’t stop growing. My girlfriend now has a soft doughy belly that I love to play with that rests on her big squishy thighs. She is very insecure about her weight gain, but I assure her I love it, and she keeps gaining weight.


Truth can be wilder than fiction sometimes! I've witnessed and experienced moments like this myself so I wouldn't say it's unbelievable, fantastic story anyway!


In high School there was this cheerleader who was really attractive, and I wasn’t even remotely friends with her but had a big crush on her. From what I had noticed she was a pretty average build, maybe a little chubby but nothing insane. Well one time at a basketball game she was hanging out with her friends getting drinks and I looked over and noticed her belly was sticking out a little, but the cheer uniform is a crop to with a super high rise skirt, so very little skin was showing. I remember thinking “damn I wish she would pull that down and show her belly”, and like clockwork she pulls the skirt down and her belly Kinda jiggled out. My next thought was “she has to be pregnant” and then one of her friends took their hand and slapped her belly, making it jiggle like crazy, and then pressed it straight in from the front, proving that she was not pregnant and just getting fat. Never saw her bare belly again, but it’s been 3 years since then and she’s gained another 30-40 pounds total

Haris Pilton

I helped a girl gain about thirty pounds of FAT. It was hot to help stuff her. She went from 150 lbs to 180.

AceKen 22

Fun story. It was last year during the summer. My girlfriend was away with her family on a vacation. I was sorta bummed out for a bit until the third day in. For context my girlfriend knows my fetish and is happy and comfortable with it. She actually likes partaking in it as well. To continue on with the story; My day was extremely uneventful aside from her texting me from time to time about what she was doing then up until that night something pretty good happened. I got a sudden facetime call from her, as soon as I answered the sight was like a fine piece of gold. Buttons on her shirt immediately popped off due to how tight the shirt was on her belly. It was a sight to behold, an amazingly bulging belly filled with food. She revealed to me that she over ate that day way too much to the point where she felt like her belly was going to explode. It was amazing


Back in college I'd felt particularly of a mind that I might be "forever alone". By that point I'd come to peace with it, if no one was interested, so be it. Then, well... come the first month of my second year, someone indeed displayed interest. A tall blond, though shorter than my 6ft, she was already a bit plump, very bottom heavy, with a slight belly, which hourglassed up to her impressive chest and chubby arms. I remember thinking about that a lot, especially when I joked with her one evening on campus about how my roommate had suddenly disappeared over the weekend with all his stuff (He'd become overwhelmed by college already apparently), and I had a room all to myself. To my surprise, she went for it. We hung out, got a little physical, and she spent the tiny in my tiny twin dorm bed with me. The next morning, I tried to be a gentleman, and bought a half dozen donuts at the school's snack store, and brought them back for her. I learned then that she enjoyed teasing me, because I told her they're all for her, and she joked about me wanting to watch. I 'joked' back that I did. That was the first feedism experience I'd ever been treated to in person. The better part is that it wasn't a one off either. I knew her for a full two years after that, and not only did such occurrences continue, she seemed to be stuffing her face every time I found her in the dining hall. Perhaps glutting herself to capacity on those donuts had awakened something. She ended up gaining a lot of weight too, maybe 100 - 120 pounds on top of the 180ish I think she weighed before. It poured into her lower half, already ridiculous hips and thighs getting wider and wider. Oddly enough, her chest barely grew, instead pouring a lot into her waist until by the end her hourglass had become a true pear. It was a marvel to watch, and she knew it. At least for me. Not a week went by where she wouldn’t talk about how fat she’s getting with her friends, nor did she seem pressed about replacing her clothes until absolutely needed, leading to lots of bulges and rubberband extended buttonholes. I saw more than one button bust too. We got physical quite often too, though… never actually had sex. She like fooling around, even being naked, but not that for some reason that she didn’t like to discuss. It felt like a dream anyway, so I wasn’t going to argue. She spent a lot of nights in that double bedroom with me, often with her other lady friends (now my own friends) too. Though… our more sexy times didn’t tend to happen with them around. I never quite figured out if she was into it all or not. She certainly teased me about it, how her clothes fit… even one time bursting out of one of my button up shirts. We also did stuffings, sometimes huge amounts, with her teasing me the whole way. But she never talked about how much she actually weighed… never said she’d get fatter or anything like that despite clearly it happening, and she herself being the reason. I’m still perplexed. And yet… That senior year, she told me that college wasn’t good for her mental health, left to go back home and try something else. I realized soon after how bad at staying in contact with people I am, and she was too. We actually almost never texted during those two years, meeting face to face since we both lived on campus instead and habitually met up after classes. We drifted apart, she stopped texting me back. It was the most kink satisfying thing I’ve ever experienced or done, but there wasn’t sex, and we never said we were in a relationship, actually pursuing other things during the same time. College is a strange place where strange people do strange things… at least that was my experience.


Wow that would definitely trigger me lol. She made the buttons pop OFF?? Also what was the circumstance of her eating so much?

AceKen 22

So, what had happened was that family pretty stuffed her full so when she got back to the hotel she still was a bit hungry so she ended up eating a piece of cake while calling me and that’s how. She did it it because She knows I like and she wanted to tease me


Not super spicy, but I’ve been friends with a person for like 3 years now, and they’ve always been super skinny cause they’re like 5’3 and used to work in retail and they moved around a lot to host events and stuff, but ever since the pandemic we both got a job doing work from home and she’s gotten really chubby, going from like 120 to 160, and it’s really cute seeing their face being all skinny in their profile picture and then seeing the slightly chubby one in calls, not to mention she likes to wear some old clothes which get a bit tight around her gut 🤤

Lil Will

I work as a lab assistant at an University and we have a "Science Grotto" for students to study with tons of study material and exclusive notes and whatnot, so obviously this has attracted a lil' group of students. These students are three young, slim, sexy women who frequent the Grotto and are pretty much its only dwellers, and to break off from the grind of studying for finals they did this odd lil' game to drink a whole plastic bottle of Sprite without burping. They have that slim-thicc thing, but they get bloated real easy as some women do, and it was super awkward trying not to get aroused. Especially when they went on this burping spree. It was too surreal to be living a moment of your fetish irl; especially as they three hot girls walk around with bloated stomachs. Goodness gracious

Lil Will

One more, is quick. I made "class friends" with this girl in highschool who very much enjoyed food but her parents were very strict. She played volleyball purely to stay in shape as her parents willed, but during the Winter season there was no volleyball and in this off season did she noticeably gain a moderate amount of weight. If I had to guess, 5-15 lbs. and she was in front of class, writing on the board or sum shit and her already prominent bum squezzed her jeans so hard there was a panty outline and it streched her belt through its loops (you know, like how it looks when you sit down and your belt turns into a "v" from your posture). Truly a beautiful sight P.S. This was rather fun, I enjoyed reading folks stories


Thanks for the stories everyone! Really good reads!


Reading these were a bliss. 😭 i wish something like this had happened to me