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So after all the stress relieved I immediately got sick as I tend to do if I've been stressing for a while. I guess you just go on until your body tells you to take a break lol. 

Nothing serious just a regular cold. (not rona) I'm gonna take tomorrow off so no page on wednesday, sorry about that. Friday will continue as usual.


Brandon S

I hope you feel better soon Kip! Don't worry about us. We'll survive. Lol


If you need to reduce your posting schedule to 2 pages a week for the month I wouldn't mind. You have a lot of stuff going on and your physical and mental health is super important. We appreciate the work and escape, but it's not worth you stressing out over anything with us.


I just need to get over this so I can focus on working normally again. This week's all a mess but hopefully next week will be normal