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Every party is a free buffet if you have no shame



Devo Prince

Slow down girl….😰😂


Super cute aika page. Panel 3 espesh

SofttContent (Ivy)

I love these gals so much aaaaaa,,, Kip,,, targeting my lesbo energies directly


If aika keeps this up Tessa is either gonna miss out on the competition or come rushing in to speedrun a corset destruction any food percent.


Tessa from the other side of the room: 😡 But gosh Aika is so adorable with her food Eat up and hopefully Tessa gets jealous enough to join in on the feast…


I sense a competition brewing

Rich Johnson

Let the eating and drinking competition being


I’m not sure how this is going to develop especially with regards to Tessa, but I do have high hopes for this scenario! Aika’s eating has gotten really out of control lately, and this appears to be the first time she’s gotten drunk… Got a feeling we’re in for a big one.

John sundkvist

here we go only few more to go


Deliciously wholesome


Is it just me or whenever I dont know anyone at the party I make convo by the food or drinks?

sad hammerhead

'Aika will you join us for the karaoke now?' Aika's vaguely bulbous silhoutte lurking in the darkened food-corner, in between munches: *hellish screech*


Wait there's FOOD at parties?


also aika’s boobs got mega-ly massive, if tessa wasn’t in this story too aika would be running away with the bustiest kip character trophy i reckon