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Maybe too well fed

Winner of the last waifu poll: Shizuka from Highschool of the dead! Thanks for all the good suggestions guys, I really enjoyed this poll and there were a lot of good choices.

Also I decided to move the painting day to tuesday so there's less downtime between comic pages.




Fuck yeah, my dream woman.

Sullied Grace

Its appreciated greatly, Tuesday is a good day.


That definitely balances her out

Nenohi Dayo

She's able to run faster than normal due to the momentum of her massage phuckin' milkers sloshing around


Defend the chubbo from the zombies!!


Hey, have you seen "High-Rise invasion"? It's got violence, battle royale vibes, fanservice (seriously, what school does Yuri go to where the uniform skirt is so short?!), and a badass mysterious stranger. I've watched only the first episode and was sold. I'm trying to finish Evangelion before finishing HRI. It's my vegetables before my ice cream sundae.


Too plump for your own good is such a sexy trope ^^


I drew Shizuka a while ago (https://sta.sh/052880gkmv3) and I was proud of my drawing (I still am) but when I see your version I tell myself that I still have a lot to learn and it motivates me to draw even better for the next times :)


She's like a prize pig to zombies, and they want bacon.

Some Aigis

That shirt is just trying it's best


You should not compare yourself to other people. Learning is good yes but work on overcoming yourself first and foremost and be proud of your own work.


Now I want all of the HotD girls done. I'm sad that we will never get anymore of the series

sad hammerhead

are the zombies a subtle roast on us?

Steve Pig

haha guys would'nt it be like super cool if a high velocity rifle bullet just flew and passed, straight between her gernourmous flailing titanites, in slow motion haha XDDDD


Great action pose :)