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Thanks so much to everyone for participating! I would have wanted to make a more elaborate bg but I ran out of time. Still I had great time and I'm quite surprised by all the great art you guys submitted!

A lousy year it might have been, but I still wanted to celebrate some of the achievements we've done throughout it. So for background I wanted to have some of the pictures from this year. 

(For those who don't know, Cindy's wearing a crown of Saint Lucia who is a very commonly celebrated christmas figure in nordic countries.)

Happy holidays to everyone! 




Awwwww how nice💖


Hmm it keeps crashing when I try to see it full-size..😶😶


Amazing! Thank you kip for this new Christmas collab, I wish you a mery Christmas and good hollydays. ;)


Lol, right at the front of the table to the right of cindy, is a 25% off tag that is just funny.


Man i lazed off on my art, maybe next time


Same, but my car took a trip to the great scrapheap in the sky so I didn't have a lot of time to spare. Ah well


They're all adorable, mery christmas ya'll~! Also I like how the third to right girl is looking at the salad bowl like "What is this strange object? This edible?"


Is there any way I could get a list of artist?


This turned out great, glad I could take part in this! Merry Christmas! :D


Thanks for this Kip. This was such a great community to be a part of over this shitty year. Merry Christmas and happpy holidays friends.


Normally I wanted her to have the salad bowl in front of her and to look at the character's food next to her as if she was jealous of not eating the same thing. But ultimately your description of the scene pleases me much more.


I mean we are all here because of certain "features" of your art but I think we can also all agree on the fact how professional you do them. Always impressed by the effort that goes into this and the quality that comes out of it. Happy new year :)