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I've decided to post the next 3 pages together in a pack next wednesday.

So no comic this week, but next week you'll get 3! Look forward to it!




But, but, the bellies, butts, and the climax?!?!


Are you sure that's not too much all at once?

Nenohi Dayo

ohhh man we haven't had a batch come in at once in a while, you know it gonna be good then

Steve Pig

How dare you starve us poor degenerates like that???

John Bob

Last time we've got all the precious belly and gaypower we could've hoped for. This time....it's gonna be EPIC.


That's fine, take all the time you need. It's not like we're addicted to those Page uploads, am i right guys...?


if it’s that many at once we all better ready ourselves... hype train is takin off

artwork appreciator

ohh man. i'm expecting a lot of phat phanservice but still hoping things turn out ok. guess we'll find out next Wednesday


Who is this strange girl wearing clothes and not constantly looking nauseous and bloated, with strange feathers on her head? I don't recognise her

Crawling Beast

Temporary official seal of approval because batches is obviously the superior format. Two pages release the week-end should be a thing.


Waiting with baited breath and anxious anticipation. the story is getting really good.


And the next one?