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Sorry Sandy, your oil tanker is beyond repair.




If only I could be in Sandy's position right! 😫🤤🤤😍😍

Steve Pig

i dont like sexualizing whales, but damn...


... and yet, the skirt still holds.... IMPRESSIVE!!!!


when the squad do finally show up they're gonna have a hell of a time just getting her out the door. ...maybe they should just leave her with Sandy. For a little while longer, anyway.

Nenohi Dayo

I'm gonna be Fake Deep here by saying throughout this series, Sandy perfectly embodies the bad side of the stuffing and belly kink. Always pushing Syd's limits, always trying to get her bigger and always trying to feed her despite Syd being against it. It's good having an antag like this because I already relate to disliking her actions and feel for Sydney.

Kie Dough

Those hips are next :3 And gotta say I'm loving that second panel ♥

John Bob

Guys think about it for a second. There is still plenty of food in her stomach which needs to be digested....she is still hella bloated


Her stomach being so enormously swollen that it pulls up her dress well above her waist and exposes her bum is such a 1000 IQ play. And I utterly adore how troubled she looks when being pulled up to stand. I'm not a huge fan of the shiny shading technique, but in this context it sure makes her look hyperstuffed!


i feel like people are sympathising the skirt more than syndey lol


Sandy is doing God's work. Thank you Sandy Thank you🙏

Jetro barns

God I love how pregnant Sydney is looking, looks like her food baby is due anytime now lol


Leaving the stomach bloated and constantly digesting food is the best way to increase am appetite

Hugh Mungus

I don't even have the vocabulary to explain how satisfied I am with this series so far. sydney is fucking gorgeous and it's really goddamn hot how much food she has been eating. not to mention she said she was feeling hungry a couple pages ago!? fuck me, man! I didn't think you wanted to take things this far kip!! but I am really glad you did!! AAAAHHHHHH


agh yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Can't wait for her to get nekkid one last time before the end :)


I feel like Sandy is the perfect embodiment of the comments found on your deviant art. One part check out this mouse pad, one part make her bigger forever. Very clever.