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Just a heads up: I have a small hospital trip case coming up tomorrow and it might take a bit of time before I recover. NLB will be posted tomorrow as usual as it's already done, but hopefully I'll recover in time for sunday (shouldn't take more than a couple days so hoping)

So no worries! Just wanted to let everyone know.

Also: 1 111 patrons!! Hooray! Thanks for everyone for this occultic number


Nox Aeon

Take care of yourself, get well soon! <3


feel better dude! your health is always above your work, so don’t stress : )


Get well soon, Kip. Don’t stress! <3


Hope everything will be alright (^-^)

Nenohi Dayo

Hospitals be scary shit, yo, best of luck on your recovery and congrats on accumulating this many belly-lusting perverts ~


Ah geez! Best wishes, I'm not worried about a missed update or two! Feel better!


All the best!


Best wishes for your hospital experience. I really hope it's nothing serious!

Steve Pig

git gudder, m8


Be well!


Get well soon! :( Hope all goes well, and you take care. Thank you for considering us, but please make sure you're ok first and foremost. Don't want you to hurt yourself.


Get well soon.™ And don't overexert yourself, YA HEAR? You be sure you take care of yourself first, we'll live.

Some Aigis

Thanks for letting us now, I hope everything goes well.

Kie Dough

Sounds more serious than a normal visit, I hope it's just something like tonsils or something normalish

David Plotnick

I wish you good health and thank you for the heads up!

Nate Smith

Good luck and we hope you make a speedy recovery. Even if not, feel free to take off time to rest properly.


Hope you’re better soon. Keep


up the amazing work :)