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No lunch will still keep going for a while so no worries, it's not gonna end abruptly.

But I feel like it should be a good idea to discuss what comes after.

There's another big comic project that I'm definitely going to start drawing at some point but before that I'd like to tie up loose ends and maybe test out some things.

Likely I will try and finish Dinner with Sister first which won't actually take that long. To get that out of the way.

I was also thinking of trying to do a couple small doujins. Like, maybe 10-20 pages max.  Would this be something you guys were interested in? And if so, suggestions for what shows. I was thinking Konosuba and maybe Little Witch Academia or Madoka etc. Just suggestions.

Also when NLB is done I'll try to make a paperback of the whole thing. If I decide to sell it I'd give discount for patrons and free copies to the higher tier pledgers should they desire it. Any interest in this?




Definitely would be interested in a paperback of NLB.


All of that sounds like a great idea! Selling in paperback would be a great novelty item.

silas strand

Heeeellll yea gimmie dat paypa


I'd definitely be interested in a Paperback, the doujins too!


hell yeah I'll take a paperback! love the work you do, will support more 10/10


Omg yes kip! Totally would love the paperback, and the doujins is a great idea as well expand your universe lol


Glad to hear! The problem is it's really expensive to print books so I don't know how expensive it would have to be to manage the cost.

Gary The Snail

I think a Konosuba Doujin would be awesome, especially if it featured an overweight Darkness.


I've said for years I'd love to buy physicals of your work, and doujins would be neat but honestly I'd like original stuff more than fanwork.


That's true, doesn't even have to be from another property, I could do a small doujin from my own stuff too.

female protagonist

I’d love to see any doujins or one-shot comics of your original characters in the future, I really like your characters and your storytelling in general, so honestly seeing any comic content would be great!


Paperback would be awesome I’d love to purchase a physical copy. and Some Doujins would be great as well. Questions though. 1: will you be releasing updated pages of the original BWS pages? Its been years since you first publish them on DeviantArt and Obviously you’ve greatly master your talents as years have gone on. It would be awesome to see them in updated 2019 style of NLB 2: Will you continue more original works? One of the main releases I follow your works is because I love your style and the OCs are my favorite part about it.


That's good to hear, I've always been under the impression that people like fanwork more.

Dapper Tofu

I’d invest in a physical copy for sure! Love ya Kip


Of course, like I said, the next big comic project will begin after Nolunch ends, but I might do a couple short things before that.


Yeah those could work. Mainly something small before the next big thing.


Absolutely love this idea, and physical versions of your work would be great to have. I would definitely buy some.


Paperback would be awesome! The doujins sound good too, although I must say I am excited for the big work as well. It's really fun to watch your characters develop

Geb Baserr

All of it sounds great, maybe a breakfast with sister omnibus containing all 3 editions.


but will there be more 4koma though?

The Mighty Helix

Oh totally! Getting your work in paperback sounds fantastic!

Farfalla Of Fate

Oh this all sounds good! And yeah Konosuba sounds good, but I’ll be me and throw in a Steins;Gate suggestion too if that’s okay.


I love all of it


That sounds awesome! Any more of your work is always a plus. You should always do what you feel comfortable with, I just enjoy your work. I'm not gonna lie though, that Konosuba idea sounds really good. Monster Musume too would be nice. 0///0

Naval warfare

I would be fine with short doujins


Short doujins would be great!

Sullied Grace

The short doujins, NLB paperback...everything sounds great! I would totally be down for buying a NLB paperback. Konosuba is such a cool world to work with to, makes me wonder what you will do with it. As long as you're enjoying yourself I don't mind what you do!


I'd never have expected a paperback version, but it sounds great. (Assuming it's profitable considering the niche fetish) *Secretly hopes for a color print too*


Also, I'd be so, so down to color a Konosuba comic for ya.

Gabriel Angelos

Love to see something with Konosuba.


If I sell even a couple hundred I'm good, I don't plan to actually publish, just sell individual copies.


I'd happily take a paper copy of NLB and figure out how to hide it later.... I imagine it's really tough to get printed though, so don't let it become a stress nightmare!

Greg Dickens

Would be interested in the shorter pieces, but one thing I've always wanted to see is a long running (like, 24-36 month) real-time weight gain piece where we get maybe 2 pages ever 2 months? Potentially texts and postcards now and then in between. It would take a strong characterisation to maintain the connection to the audience with gaps like that, but you've never struggled for strong characterisations.


"I'll try to make a paperback of the whole thing. Any interest in this?" That would be freaking awesome. I'd gladly purchase a copy.


The paperback would be great if you decide in it. I like the doujin idea too. It would be cool to see something with Pokemon girls like May, Jesse, and Misty. Or maybe something with Yoko from Gurren Lagann

Jared Hammaker

Would love a paper version. I have a ton of digital content, but still like having favorite items on paper. And doujins would be really cool too.


Little Witch Academia would be great!


All for LWA or Madoka Magica!


NLB as a physical copy? Sign me up


I'd be completely behind the physical copy idea, to have a physical piece by you would feel pretty fucking rad, one of a kind feeling(while I know it's not one of a kind at that rate), but a nice collectible. Also Konosuba is incredible so I'd be all for that as well.


That's a great idea, I've been toying with the idea of making a weekly update in real time but its a bitch to make interesting enough. Monthly wouldn't be too bad, I'll definitely give this idea a go.


LWA and Konosuba art would be amazing.


I am all for little short cousins


Doujins is the way to go in my opinion. Would be a big supporter of that direction!


Frankly I don't care what you do, the reason I'm here is simply that you do it.


A paperback would be so cool!!!!


Sounds cool!

Roi Hartmann

KIP! You are awesome in so many levels I have to say just Yes, yes and yes. Especially YES please to NLB paperback!


Totally would buy it to support this quality of content

Adam Winslow

Konosuba would be great! Please consider it 😄


All of my yes to ALL of these ideas


I really like the doujin idea. I'd like to suggest Date a Live because the lack of Kurumi art is killing me :)

Some Aigis

It think the physical book for NLB is a good idea. Even if I'm not in the best place right now to have such things, I still think it would be cool if it existed. As for the doujin idea, I think it definitely has potential. The Christmas special you did last year was a lot of fun, and I'd like to see what you could do with more short stories like that. I'm also excited to see the next comic you have in mind, as well as possibly seeing an end to DWS after all these years.

Nenohi Dayo

Anything that'll involve getting a physical copy of your work already sounds like it'll be absolutely worth it, yo ~ But if it's printing and such you're concerned about, I would suggest maybe if those who really really wanted one, they could reserve a copy so you could print a certain amount for them.


I'm gonna hold a poll on here and on DA to see how many people would potentially be interested in buying one, then I'll make sure that all of my patrons who want one definitely get it.


I would love to see some doujins. My hero academia?


Will all NLB eventually get coloured?


I would love to see something that focuses on stuffing/bloating with minimal or no weight gain. I know I'm a minority, but I still wanted to share it ^^'


Yes KONOSUBA!!! and all the other goodies you suggested.

Hello World

I think working on smaller projects would be cool for now as you could prepare for your bigger project longer. I love the different worlds and stories you make, so keep going at your own pace and stay healthy!

Shaw Louis

I would like to see some girls keep feeding one girl...


I'm totally up for that! Little Witch Academia, maybe even Toradora


Madoka would be amazing

Solrac Avan

Paperback NLB sounds awesome

artwork appreciator

commenting on this even though it's old because why not a danganronpa slice-of-life AU where some of the girls get together and stuff themselves. that'd make for a really good 10-20 page doujin